#1262 – They Know Who Won: Thoroughly Defeated Democrats Urge Joe Biden to Cancel Future Debates

Last night was the first presidential candidates debate of the 2020 campaign season.

The immediate takeaways were that:
** Trump was taking on two politicians
** Chris Wallace interrupted President Trump 76 times to just 15 times for Joe Biden
** Joe Biden couldn’t answer a question
** Joe Biden’s name-calling was disgusting and inappropriate
** Joe Biden made 33 false or misleading statements
** Democrats have to lie to the public about their policies and plans because they are so unpopular and destructive

Democrats left the debate thoroughly defeated.
They know they lost.

How do we know that?
Because top Democrats are now all calling for Joe Biden to cancel any future debates.

This is an amazing supercut of panicked Democrats urging no more debates!



Mika Brzenzinki


Leftist actor George Takei


Howard Fineman.


Bill Kristol.


WaPo hack Margaret Sullivan


Arianna Huffington


RINO Michael Steele


RINO Charlie Sykes


Democrats and especially RINOs know who won the debate last night.
It wasn’t even close.

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