#0237 – Live Updates: Nations Remain on Lockdown as Coronavirus Cases Top 191,000 Globally

Staff from a cleaning company arrive at Parkside Community Primary School in Borehamwood as the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues, in Boreham Wood, Britain, March 18, 2020.

Over 15,100 people have been infected with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) globally over the past day, bringing the total number of confirmed cases above 191,100, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said in its latest report.

According to the World Health Organisation, which declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic on 11 March, 191,127 cases have been confirmed worldwide, with 15,123 new ones over the past 24 hours.

The virus has already put entire cities on lockdown, led to travel restrictions, and forced the cancellation of big events such as the Eurovision Song Contest, and the Coachella as well as Glastonbury music festivals.

The novel coronavirus, now officially named COVID-19, was first registered in December 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan. The virus quickly spread to other countries around the globe, with Italy becoming the worst affected nation in Europe.

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  • 18:31

    Trump Says Anti-Malaria Drug Could Be Effective Against Coronavirus

  • 18:27

    US Coronavirus Death Toll Reaches 150, Over 10,000 Cases Confirmed – Health Dept.

    WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – The death toll from the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) disease in the United States has reached 150 with an excess of 10,400 people confirmed positive for contracting the virus in all 54 states and territories, the Centers or Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced on Thursday.

    The CDC said 150 people have died from COVID-19, an increase of 35 on Wednesday’s figure with the total number of cases rising to 10,442.

    The Coronavirus Research Center at Johns Hopkins University put the total number of US deaths so far at 154 and said almost half – 68 – occurred in the northwestern state of Washington.

    The CRC put the total number of confirmed cases in the United States at 10,755.

  • 18:25

    Chinese Experts Recommend Stricter Social Distancing to Italy – Red Cross Doctor

    GENOA (Sputnik), Anastasia Levchenko – Chinese medical specialists recommend that Italy enforce social distancing rules more stringently to effectively contain the spread of the coronavirus, Valerio Mogini, a doctor from the Italian Red Cross’ biocontainment unit, said.

    A team of 10 Chinese medical specialists has come to Italy with the assistance of the Chinese Red Cross. With nearly 33,200 confirmed cases, Italy is suffering from the biggest coronavirus outbreak outside of China. On Thursday, its death toll overtook the Chinese one, jumping to 3,405.

    “They are suggesting that we be stricter on social distancing. In China social distancing measures were tougher than in Italy, and they really believe that this is the measure that can stop the spread,” Mogini said.

    He noted that the Chinese doctors in Italy met with their counterparts and local authorities to share their experience.

    “It is great for us to see how they are donating their expertise, their time to help another country. This time of collaboration is something that is really in the spirit of the Red Cross and we are glad to see it once again,” the Italian doctor stated.

    What is more important, Mogini went on, Chinese doctors who have gone through the peak of the outbreak at home are “giving us hope.”

    Italy has been under quarantine since March 9. People have been asked to stay home and only go out for essential activities. All entertainment sites have been shut down, save for food stores and pharmacies. Public transport yet continues operating. Earlier on Thursday, one of the doctors from the team that arrived from China suggested that Italy “cut all the mobility” and halt public transportation.

  • 18:24

    COVID-19 Cases in Italy’s North Likely to Peak Soon, Prospects for South Unclear – Doctor

    GENOA (Sputnik), Anastasia Levchenko – Italy’s northern regions, the worst affected by the coronavirus outbreak, are likely to see a peak of cases soon, while prospects for the south remain unclear, Valerio Mogini, a doctor from the Italian Red Cross’ biocontainment unit involved in the response since the onset of the outbreak, said.

    On Wednesday, COVID-19 took 475 lives in Italy, which has been the highest one-day death toll for any country since the beginning of the epidemic. On Thursday, the number of fatalities rose by 427 to 3,405, surpassing the Chinese death toll, which stands at 3,245. In total, Italy has registered nearly 33,200 coronavirus cases.

    “In my opinion, what we are going to face is a peak in northern Italy pretty soon, but it might be different in the rest of the country. The spread [of the disease] is going on, but now at least it will probably be slowed down by the containment and social distancing measures of the government,” Mogini said.

    According to the doctor, the current high mortality rate may be actually “consequences of what happened before the social distancing” was introduced.

    “Those people who are now in the intensive care units, they were probably infected quite some time ago, so it means that probably they got infected before the measures and we still need time to see how the measures are working. You know, the virus takes about 5-15 days from the first contact to actually develop the symptoms, and when someone develops the symptoms, it takes probably one week before he or she needs intensive care unit,” he explained.

    Asked whether he believes that the south could avoid a situation similar to the one unfolding in the northern regions, he expressed hope for that but refrained from making projections.

    “I think that we will have cases, but I hope that we are not going to face the same situation that we are facing in the north of Italy. This is our hope,” Mogini stated.

    Speaking about the problems that hospitals are confronting now, he highlighted the lack of personal protective equipment (PPE) for doctors.

    “The real problem is that so far it is pretty hard to buy and obtain personal protective equipment (PPE). Italian government is buying it from the Italian market, and they have started a program to make the industry produce more of PPEs,” the medic said.

    He noted that the problem was now common in virtually all countries in Europe and the world because the demand for this equipment was “absolutely overwhelming.”

  • 18:23

    Number of Confirmed COVID-19 Cases in South Africa Rises to 150 – Government

    MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The South African government said on Thursday that the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the country had increased to 150.

    As of Wednesday, the number of those infected in the country stood at 116. No fatal cases have been registered so far.

    “South Africa now has 150 confirmed cases of #Covid19. 34 new cases have been confirmed,” the government said on Twitter.

    On March 15, President Cyril Ramaphosa declared a national state of emergency over the COVID-19 concerns. Also, starting Wednesday, South Africa prohibited the entry to foreign citizens coming from countries that are highly afflicted by the pandemic, such as Italy, Iran, South Korea, China, and Germany. South African nationals are discouraged from visiting those countries as well.

    According to Johns Hopkins University, more than 222,000 cases of COVID-19 infection worldwide have been confirmed, including over 9,000 fatalities and more than 84,000 recoveries.

  • 18:22

    Israeli Police Suppress Protest in Jerusalem Triggered by COVID-19 Quarantine Measures

    TEL AVIV (Sputnik) – Israeli police on Thursday suppressed a protest outside the parliament building in Jerusalem, where people had gathered to condemn the strict quarantine measures aimed at preventing the further spread of COVID-19, and arrested three activists, police spokesman Mikhael Zingerman said.

    Earlier in the day, a convoy of 100 cars filled with protesters attempted to enter Jerusalem to protest the quarantine. The vehicles were stopped and nearly all drivers fined, according to Zingerman. Later, some 200 protesters gathered outside the parliament building. The police quickly responded, guided by the new recommendations of the Health Ministry that ban meetings of more than 10 people in one place amid the coronavirus pandemic.

    “Approximately 200 people gathered in the Knesset area and thus violated the order of the Ministry of Health. Three suspects who violated public order and tried to block roads and highways near the parliament building were arrested,” Zingerman said.

    The presence of law enforcement in the center of Jerusalem has increased to prevent riots, the police spokesman added.

    “Of course, the Israeli police are obliged to allow democratic expression of feelings and opinions, but in light of the current circumstances, everything necessary will be done to ensure that the instructions of the Ministry of Health are implemented,” Zingerman said.

    On Wednesday, Israel shut its borders to all foreigners in a bid to curb the spread of the coronavirus. However, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu assured the public that putting the country on total lockdown was not being considered.


  • 18:22

    Israeli Police Suppress Protest in Jerusalem Triggered by COVID-19 Quarantine Measures

    TEL AVIV (Sputnik) – Israeli police on Thursday suppressed a protest outside the parliament building in Jerusalem, where people had gathered to condemn the strict quarantine measures aimed at preventing the further spread of COVID-19, and arrested three activists, police spokesman Mikhael Zingerman said.

    Earlier in the day, a convoy of 100 cars filled with protesters attempted to enter Jerusalem to protest the quarantine. The vehicles were stopped and nearly all drivers fined, according to Zingerman. Later, some 200 protesters gathered outside the parliament building. The police quickly responded, guided by the new recommendations of the Health Ministry that ban meetings of more than 10 people in one place amid the coronavirus pandemic.

    “Approximately 200 people gathered in the Knesset area and thus violated the order of the Ministry of Health. Three suspects who violated public order and tried to block roads and highways near the parliament building were arrested,” Zingerman said.

    The presence of law enforcement in the center of Jerusalem has increased to prevent riots, the police spokesman added.

    “Of course, the Israeli police are obliged to allow democratic expression of feelings and opinions, but in light of the current circumstances, everything necessary will be done to ensure that the instructions of the Ministry of Health are implemented,” Zingerman said.

    On Wednesday, Israel shut its borders to all foreigners in a bid to curb the spread of the coronavirus. However, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu assured the public that putting the country on total lockdown was not being considered.

    While the number of confirmed infection cases in Israel nears 530, Health Ministry Director-General Moshe Bar Siman Tov warned that it would spike in the coming days.


  • 18:07

    NHS May Struggle to Cope With COVID-19 After Decade of Tory Austerity – Nonprofit Co-Chair

    LONDON (Sputnik) – The UK’s National Health Service (NHS) is likely to struggle with managing the surge in patients who will test positive for the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), given that the institution has suffered during a decade of austerity characterized by overcapacity, staff shortages, and government inaction, co-chair of the Keep Our NHS Public (KONP) non-profit organization Dr John Puntis said on Friday.

    “The NHS is not in such a good position as it could have been, so one would say over the last ten years it’s been hit by austerity and there are some very clear indications of that in terms of there being 17,000 fewer hospital beds, 100,000 staff vacancies and 40,000 fewer nurses. There hasn’t been the investment there should have been,” Puntis said.

    The KONP co-chair went on to argue that staff within the health service had become increasingly anxious about their own vulnerability to COVID-19, claiming there was an immediate need to ensure that health sector workers receive protective clothing. If that was not done, he said, the already evident strain on the NHS would only get worse, ultimately compounding the issue as the UK struggles to deal with the outbreak.

    “The NHS, before the virus even, all the performance figures show deterioration in terms of A&E [Accident and Emergency] targets, waiting lists, trolley waits in A&E … they all get worse, and that reflects the relatively poor state of affairs. Staff are panicking about risk because of inadequate provision of protective clothing. If we don’t protect front line health workers, including ambulance staff and paramedics, if they get sick that compounds the strain on the service very considerably,” Puntis stated.

    Previous government proposals to pay private manufacturers to construct additional ventilators for intensive care units were also questioned, given it would necessarily involve companies employing staff and resources that had previously not been used to produce medical equipment.

    A spokesman for Prime Minister Boris Johnson had claimed earlier this week that the prime minister would be speaking to British manufacturers about the possibility of creating additional ventilators for the NHS, with Honda and Vauxhall having allegedly been asked to help.

    Such policies would not necessarily be as simple as they appear, Puntis claimed, especially as the NHS was already undermanned in terms of properly trained staff with experience in operating the kind of equipment now needed.

    “Getting more ventilators is only part of the solution. The flippant remark is that we get more ventilators and train doctors on how to use them … this is the point where you need properly trained nursing staff. Although they have put the invitation out to manufacturing to switch to producing ventilators, it’s been pointed out that medical equipment has to be made to very high standards so it’s not necessarily that simple,” he argued.

    The NHS also faces severe overcapacity issues, evident after a letter from NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens was made public on Tuesday. Stevens called on hospitals to cancel all non-urgent surgeries for three months from April 15, in order to free up approximately 30,000 beds for potential COVID-19 patients.

    “The other thing is that bed occupancy in the NHS has been running at over 95 percent and normally intensive care is pretty full too, so it’s not like there’s a lot of empty space just waiting for patients to come in,” Puntis stated.

    The NHS, itself always a hot topic at election time, has come under ever-increasing scrutiny following the emergence of the coronavirus disease in the UK. Campaigners and opposition politicians have persistently criticized the government over what they see as a persistent inability to handle the UK’s health needs, a point demonstrated by a glaring bed shortage that has already seen the loss of some 17,000 hospital beds ever since the Conservative Party regained office in 2010.

    Such capacity issues alongside a reduction in staffing levels would appear to indicate that the UK remains ill-equipped to deal with COVID-19 in the event it continues to spread, a sentiment shared by Puntis who stated that the current situation in the UK was already a crisis.

    “Everyone accepts we’re now in a crisis because of this new disease that’s quite a lot more virulent than seasonal influenza. It’s much bigger than that. It’s already having an extraordinary, devastating effect on public life,” the non-profit co-chair stated.

    As of Thursday, a total of 137 people are believed to have died after contracting COVID-19 in the UK, with the government rushing to fast track emergency legislation to contain any further spread, including measures to close schools, grant police additional powers to detain those suspected of carrying the disease and restrict or outright ban public gatherings.


  • 18:06

    Formula 1 Postpones Dutch, Spanish, Monaco Races Due to COVID-19 – FIA

    MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Three races of the Formula 1 championship — the Grand Prix of the Netherlands, the Grand Prix of Spain and the Grand Prix of Monaco — will be postponed due to the coronavirus, the Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) said on Thursday.

    “In view of the continued global spread of COVID-19 and after ongoing discussions with Formula 1 and the three promoters, it has today been confirmed that the Formula 1 Dutch Grand Prix 2020, Formula 1 Spanish Grand Prix 2020 and Formula 1 Monaco Grand Prix 2020 will be postponed,” the FIA said.

    The FIA ​​and Formula 1 continue to work closely with promoters and local authorities to monitor the situation and continue to consider alternative dates for each grand prix at the end of the year, it said.

    The 2020 season is expected to start after May, as soon as it is safe, the FIA added.

    Earlier, Formula 1 cancelled the race in Australia and postponed races in Bahrain, Vietnam and China due to the situation with coronavirus. The Dutch Grand Prix was scheduled for May 1-3, the Spanish Grand Prix for May 8-10, and the Monaco Grand Prix for May 21-24.


  • 17:55

    Britain May ‘Get on Top of Coronavirus in 12 Weeks’ – Boris Johnson

    “At the moment, the disease is proceeding in a way that does not seem yet to be responding to our interventions… I believe that a combination of the measures that we’re asking the public to take and better testing, scientific progress, will enable us to get on top of it within the next 12 weeks… I cannot stand here and tell you that by the end of June we will be on a downward slope. It’s possible but I simply can’t say that that’s for certain,” Johnson told journalists, as quoted by Reuters. 


  • 17:26

    COVID-19 Pandemic Most Severe Health Crisis in 75 Years, Global Recession Looms – UN Chief

    UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) – UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Thursday that the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is the most severe health crisis in the history of the United Nations and is certain to lead to a global recession of potentially record levels.

    “We are facing a global health crisis unlike any in the 75-year history of the United Nations – one that is spreading human suffering, infecting the global economy and upending people’s lives,” Guterres said in a statement. “A global recession – perhaps of record dimensions – is a near certainty.”


  • 17:20

    Coronavirus Death Toll in Italy Rises to 3,405 Surpassing Chinese Death Toll

    ROME (Sputnik) – The death toll from coronavirus infection in Italy rose by 427 in past 24 hours to a total of 3,405 people, while the total number of COVID-19 cases increased by almost 4,500 during the same period, Angelo Borrelli, the head of the National Civil Protection Agency, said Thursday.

    “Unfortunately, today we recorded 427 deaths,” Borrelli said at a briefing, adding that the total number of coronavirus cases in the country had surpassed 41,000.

    In terms of the number of victims, Italy has surpassed China as the Chinese state committee on healthcare reported earlier on Thursday that 3,245 people had so far become coronavirus victims in the country.


  • 17:08

    ASEAN Summit in Vietnam Postponed From April to Late June Over COVID-19 – Reports

    MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), initially set to take place in Vietnam in April, has been postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic, state media said on Thursday, citing Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc.

    According to VNA, Nguyen informed the ASEAN member states and New Zealand about plans to postpone the 36th summit, ASEAN-New Zealand Summit and other meetings until the end of June.

    The summit was scheduled for April 6-9 in Da Nang, as Vietnam is the ASEAN chair in 2020.

    To date, Vietnam has confirmed 76 COVID-19 cases.


  • 17:07

    Berlin Cancels 75th Anniversary of WWII End Celebrations Due to COVID-19 Pandemic – Source

    BERLIN (Sputnik) – Berlin’s main festive event for celebrating the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II has been cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic, a source in the organizing committee said on Thursday.

    “We have been forced to cancel the event due to the developments of the coronavirus situation,” the source said.

    The celebrations were due to be held in Berlin on May 8, with the participation of German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, other officials and foreign guests.


  • 17:05

    Number of Canadian COVID-19 Cases Spikes to 772, Death Toll at 9 – Health Official

    TORONTO (Sputnik) – The number of confirmed cases of infection with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in Canada is approaching 800 and the death toll has increased to nine, Canada’s Chief Medical Officer Theresa Tam said during a press briefing on Thursday.

    “In Canada, as of now, there are 772 cases and nine deaths of COVID-19,” Tam told reporters.

    Tam also said that more than 55,000 Canadians have been tested for the disease.

    According to Johns Hopkins University, more than 222,000 cases of COVID-19 infections worldwide have been confirmed, including over 9,000 fatalities and more than 84,000 recoveries.

    The epicentre of the pandemic has now shifted from China to Europe, where the total number of infected individuals has surpassed 80,000.


  • 16:58

    Passengers With Homeward Tickers Can Leave Coronavirus-Hit Costa Luminosa Cruise Ship – Marseille Port


  • 16:54

    New Jersey Registers 318 New COVID-19 Cases, 4 More Deaths – Governor

    WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – The US state of New Jersey has registered 318 new coronavirus (COVID-19) cases and four additional deaths since yesterday, Governor Phil Murphy said on Thursday.

    “We’ve 318 new positive test results since yesterday, bringing our statewide total to 742,” Murphy said via Twitter. “Sadly, we have four additional deaths.”


  • 16:50

    Coronavirus Will Kill Millions of People if Uncontained – UN Chief


  • 16:45

    Germany’s GDP May Fall by 1.5-6% in 2020 Due to COVID-19 Pandemic – Think Tank

    The coronavirus pandemic is pushing Germany into a deep recession, and the country’s economy may fall by 1.5-6 percent in 2020, the Munich-based ifo Institute for Economic Research said Thursday.

    “One scenario under consideration at the ifo Institute is highly positive, with economic output of minus 1.5 percent for 2020. However, this takes only minor declines in industry production into account. In a second scenario, which assumes greater cutbacks in production, economic output shrinks by 6 percent,” ifo President Clemens Fuest said, as quoted in the institute’s press release.

    In its previous forecast in December 2019, ifo expected 1.1 percent GDP growth in 2020.

    To mitigate the impact of the crisis, the institute proposed the suspension of all taxes for small- and medium-sized businesses for several months, and additional help to workers who are losing income due to unpaid leave. Support for liquidity and government guarantees can prevent a wave of bankruptcies, it said.

    The Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW) is even more pessimistic, predicting that the German economy may shrink 4.5-9 percent this year.

    The 4.5 percent GDP drop may be expected if the current coronavirus situation lasts until the end of April. If recovery only happens in August, the GDP will fall 8.7 percent, the IfW said.


  • 16:37

    UK Manufacturers Union Calls on Gov’t For Tax Relief, Financial Support to Prevent Layoffs

    The UK government must take steps to provide tax relief for manufacturers in order to prevent widespread job losses amid the economic disruption caused by the ongoing coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, the MAKE UK manufacturers union said in a statement on Thursday.

    “There are alarm bells going off right across the manufacturing sector with the prospect of substantial lay-offs looming. Order books are collapsing and this is creating immediate cashflow issues for companies which need addressing within days not weeks,” the union’s chief executive Stephen Phipson said in the statement.

    MAKE UK is urging the government to defer value-added tax (VAT), pay-as-you-earn tax (PAYE) and all national insurance contributions, as well as financial support to pay employees who have been forced to self-isolate.

    The union added that even before the COVID-19 outbreak, economic results for the first quarter of 2020 showed that both domestic and foreign orders had significantly slumped, placing manufacturers in an increasingly precarious position.


  • 16:36

    Number of COVID-19 Cases in Netherlands Rises by 409 to 2,460 Over Past Day

    The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the Netherlands has increased by 409 to 2,460 over the past 24 hours, while the number of fatalities has grown to 76, the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment said on Thursday.

    As of Wednesday, there were 2,051 confirmed coronavirus cases in the Netherlands.

    “Since yesterday, 409 people have tested positive for COVID-19. Thus, the total number of those infected has reached 2,460,” the institute said.

    The number of coronavirus-related fatalities went up by 18. Most patients died were aged between 63 and 95.


  • 16:34

    Dutch Minister Leading Coronavirus Fight Resigns Due to Exhaustion

    Dutch medical care minister Bruno Bruins has resigned after he fell down on the floor of parliament due to exhaustion on Wednesday evening.

    Dutch Minister Bruno Bruins for Medical Care (VVD) speaks during a debate about the developments surrounding the coronavirus, in The Hague, the Netherlands, on March 18, 2020.

    Watch Dutch Health Minister Bruno Bruins Collapse in Parliament During Coronavirus Debate

    The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the Netherlands soared by 346 on Wednesday to 2,051, with 58 deaths in total, according to the country’s National Institute for Health (RIVM).

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  • 16:33

    Number of COVID-19 Cases in Canada Spikes to 772, Death Toll Stands at 9 – Health Official

    The number of confirmed cases of infection with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in Canada is approaching 800 and the death toll has increased to nine, Canada’s Chief Medical Officer Theresa Tam said during a press briefing on Thursday.

    “In Canada, as of now, there are 772 cases and nine deaths of COVID-19,” Tam told reporters.


  • 16:28

    New York Governor Cuomo Says He Will Not Authorise Shelter-In-Place Order

    “I would know because I would have to authorize those actions legally. It’s not going to happen,” Cuomo said. “I’m not doing it.”

    On Tuesday, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said that a shelter-in-place order might be imposed for the city over the next 48 hours to slow down the spread of COVID-19.

    However, Cuomo said it is essential at present to ensure that services and society remain healthy and functional.

    “We need the health care system up and running… We need police. We need fire[men]. We need bus drivers. We need daycare workers. We need a transportation system. All these functions have to continue,” Cuomo said.

    The governor said in an attempt to slow down the COVID-19 spread he ordered allowing no more than 25 percent of employees to come to work in New York State.

    “As a mandate, 75 percent of your employee base must work from home,” Cuomo said in an appeal to businesses.


  • 16:25

    Greece Confirms 464 Cases of Coronavirus


  • 16:22

    India Bans Exports of Masks, Ventilators, Raw Materials Used to Manufacture Masks




  • 16:20

    US President Donald Trump Says He Hopes Not to Use Defence Production Act

    US President Donald Trump said on Thursday that the US could use cruise ships in addition to military vessels if more hospital beds are needed.

  • 16:18

    Brazil Restricts Land Borders With Neighbors Due to Coronavirus

    Brazilian authorities have decided to restrict the entry of foreign visitors at land borders with Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Suriname and French Guiana amid the coronavirus pandemic.

  • 16:18

    UK School Сlosures in Response to Coronavirus ‘Always Inevitable’ – Journalist

    Staff from a cleaning company arrive at Parkside Community Primary School in Borehamwood as the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues, in Boreham Wood, Britain, March 18, 2020.

    UK School Сlosures in Response to Coronavirus ‘Always Inevitable’ – Journalist

    After announcing yesterday that all schools in the UK will close this Friday in response to the growing threat of the coronavirus, the British Government has now vowed to reveal further details about how the move will affect students going forward, particularly in regard to taking exams. Journalist David Lindsay gave his views on the matter.

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  • 16:16

    Chemists of Moscow State University Say Can Start Producing Components for Fast COVID-19 Tests in 7 Days

    Chemists at the Moscow State University (MSU) are set to roll out the production of DNA primers for express diagnostics of coronavirus to potentially cater millions of tests, the MSU press service said in a press release.

    “The Moscow university’s chemists are ready to launch a full-scale production of DNA primers for fast diagnostics of COVID-19 using test systems based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method,” the statement read.

    Such systems rely upon DNA-oligonucleotides (short fragments of DNA chains) which, according to MSU Chemistry Department Dean Stepan Kalmykov and Natural Compounds Chemistry Chair Head Aleksey Kopylov, can be easily integrated into the existing Russian-made tests.

    The synthesis and purification of DNA-oligonucleotides, which the MSU said it had conducted in collaboration with chemists from the Russian Academy of Sciences, could help launch mass production right now and make quantities adequate enough to supply millions of tests.

  • 16:15

    Genoa Deploys Hospital Ship for Patients With Mild Form of Coronavirus

    Genoa has deployed a hospital ship in the port in the centre of the city in order to decrease the burden on traditional hospitals by taking COVID-19 patients on the path to recovery or with mild symptoms, the governor of the Liguria region said Thursday.

    A ferry belonging to the Grandi Navi Veloci operator was transformed into a hospital with 25 single rooms. However, it has the capacity of increasing the number of beds up to 400 in a short time.

    “It was an extraordinary and valuable effort that we could do in a very short time. Every cabin was transformed into a single patient’s room with rubber floor and separate air circulation system, which is even better than what you can find in usual hospitals of general profile. There are also special passages for the personnel that provides food to avoid contamination zones, as well as all the necessary equipment to guarantee safe work of our doctors,” governor Giovanni Toti said at the opening of the hospital ship.

  • 16:14

    Spain Drafts in Military to Disinfect Airports, Ports, Train Stations – Chief of Staff

    MADRID (Sputnik) – Spanish troops have been drafted in to disinfect public places in the country, such as airports, train stations and seaports, including those in the city of Barcelona, Chief of the Defense Staff Gen. Miguel Angel Villarroya said on Thursday during a virtual press conference.

    “We will disinfect Barcelona’s port and airport,” the chief of the defence staff stated.

    Military personnel are working to disinfect public places not only on the Spanish mainland but also the airports of Tenerife and Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands, he confirmed.

    Bus stops, government offices, nursing homes and hospitals will also be disinfected by military personnel, Villarroya stated.

  • 16:12

    Six Members of US National Guard Test Positive for Coronavirus – Chief

    “Six cases have tested positive,” General Joseph Lengyel told reporters. “There are no plans to recall missions overseas at this moment. Those deployments are going ahead.”

    The commander said the US president could federalize the National Guard but there are no plans to do so as of yet.

    Tens of thousands of US National Guard members could be activated as part of the emergency response to the COVID-19 outbreak, he added.

  • 15:14

    Border Between US, Canada to Be Closed on Friday Night – Trudeau

    Canada-US border restrictions designed to contain the coronavirus (COVID-19) will likely come into effect on Friday night, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told reporters on Thursday.

    “My understanding is that the measures will probably come into place in the night between Friday and Saturday, so in about a day and a half,” Trudeau said.

  • 14:56

    Albert II, Prince of Monaco, Tested Positive for Covid-19

    Prince Albert II of Monaco leaves the Notre Dame cathedral after attending at the funeral of the Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg, in Luxembourg, Saturday, May 4, 2019

    Albert II, Prince of Monaco, Tested Positive for Covid-19 – Communique

    On Tuesday, Prince Albert II addressed the nation on TV to announce emergency measures due to the new coronavirus pandemic.

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  • 14:55

    Death Toll From Coronavirus in UK Rises to 128

  • 14:46

    PM Modi Announces Curfew on 22 March

    Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi stated on Thursday that a curfew will be put in place on 22 March from 7 am to 9pm. The senior official has called on people not to indulge in panic buying as the supply of essential items like food, milk and medicine won’t stop.

  • 14:44

    Chad Confirms First Case of Coronavirus

  • 14:42

    Coronavirus Has Affected More Countries Than Both World Wars Combined – PM Modi




  • 14:41

    UK Prime Minister Johnson’s Spokesman Rules Out Total Lockdown in London Due to COVID-19

    London's usually busy Regent Street is deserted after the Prime Minister said Covid-19 is the worst public health crisis for a generation

    UK Prime Minister Johnson’s Spokesman Rules Out Total Lockdown in London Due to COVID-19

    MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The UK government is not planning to enforce a total ban on travel to and from London and the capital’s transport system will continue to operate despite a reduction in service, a spokesman for Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Thursday.

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  • 14:31

    Russia to Prolong Visas for Foreigners Regardless of Stay Purpose Amid COVID-19 – Ministry

    “To ensure the enforcement of citizens’ rights and freedoms, and taking into consideration the situation around the spreading of the novel coronavirus infection, from March 19, 2020, foreign citizens will be able to prolong the duration of their temporary staying on the territory of the Russian Federation,” the Russian Interior Ministry said in a statement.

    To do this, the foreigners will have to come to a department of the Interior Ministry, located close to the location where they stay, and submit an application prepared in any format they choose.

    “For those who have arrived in Russia with a visa, its duration will be extended. If the visa has already expired, the duration of temporary staying will be extended as well,” the ministry said.

  • 13:46

    Iceland Registers 83 New Coronavirus Infections Over 24 Hours, Over 300 in Total

    The number of coronavirus infections in Iceland has climbed to 330, up from 247 the previous day, according to the country’s health ministry.

    According to the authorities of Iceland, at present, 330 cases of COVID-19 infection have been recorded in the country. It is noted that most cases – 287 – were detected in the capital Reykjavik.

  • 13:39

    Bavarian Town Mitterteich In Lockdown Due to Coronavirus

  • 13:13

    Number of COVID-19 Cases in Switzerland Nears 3,900 – Health Authority

    The number of COVID-19 cases in Switzerland has approached 3,900, with the death toll standing at 33, the Federal Office of Public Health said on Thursday.

    As of 1:00 p.m. local time (12:00 GMT), the total number of infections has reached 3,888, and 3,438 of them have their diagnosis confirmed twice.

  • 13:07

    Moscow Records 12 New Cases of Coronavirus Infection

  • 13:05

    Singapore Reports 32 New Cases of Coronavirus, Taking Total to 345

  • 12:59

    London Mayor Urges Residents to Avoid All Non-Essential Travel as 40 Subway Stations Close

    Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has urged the city’s residents to avoid all but essential travel on public transport in order to allow health care professionals and other critical workers to travel to work amid the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, at the same time as the city’s transportation authority announced the indefinite closure of up to 40 London Underground stations from Friday.

    “People should not be travelling, by any means, unless they really, really have to. Londoners should be avoiding social interaction unless absolutely necessary, and that means they should be avoiding using the transport network unless absolutely necessary,” Khan said in a press release on Transport for London’s (TfL) official website.

    The mayor urged the public to heed the calls to remain at home, in order to ensure that people working in vital professions can continue to travel to work safely.

    “Frontline staff across our health and care service – as well as those ensuring Londoners stay safe and can access food and other essentials – should be commended for their hard work. We owe it to them to do whatever we can to help them do their jobs effectively,” the mayor said.

    As COVID-19 continues to spread across the United Kingdom, TfL announced a number of service limitations that will see up to 40 subway stations closed until further notice and a reduction in the number of buses and suburban trains in operation as part of measures to protect crucial workers.

    “To make sure we can do that there will be a number of changes to the services we provide, including suspending the Night Tube and Night Overground, suspending the Waterloo & City line and closing some stations to ensure we can staff key locations,” TfL’s Commissioner Mike Brown said in the release.

    On Tuesday, Khan announced the cancellation of all planned events in Trafalgar Square, after the government issued an advisory warning against all public gatherings.

  • 12:34

    Croatia Reports Its First Coronavirus Death – Public Health Institute

  • 12:31

    Delhi Announces Closure of All Restaurants, Home Delivery Allowed




India Bans Commercial Flights Arrivals From 22-29 March



  • 11:59

    Closure of Schools Likely to be Extended Beyond 3 April – Italy’s Education Minister

  • 11:55

    Deserted Streets of Paris Amid Coronavirus Lockdown

  • 11:41

    Government Has No Plans to Close Down London Transport System – UK PM Johnson’s Spokesman

  • 11:31

    Saudi Arabia Cancels ‘Jeddah Season’ Festival Amid Coronavirus – State TV

  • 11:11

    Spain’s Coronavirus Cases at 17,147 Vs 13,716 on Wednesday

    Spain has registered a total of 17,147 coronavirus cases, the Health Ministry said Thursday, up from 13,700 cases a day earlier.

    More than 160 people died in the last 24 hours, the authorities said.

    More than 6,700 of the COVID-19 patients are in the Spanish capital of Madrid.

  • 10:56

    UK Puts Military Reservists on Standby – Reports

  • 10:49

    Northern Ireland Confirms First Death From Covid-19

  • 10:45

    Iran Death Toll From Coronavirus Outbreak Rises to 1,284 – Health Ministry

  • 10:24

    Beirut Airport Completely Shuts Down Amid Coronavirus For First Time in 14 Years

  • 09:50

    Number of German Сoronavirus Сases Jumps by 2,801

    The total increased to 10,999 cases while 20 patients died, according to the public health institute RKI website.

  • 09:41

    Egypt to Shut Cafes, Malls, Sporting Clubs and Nightclubs Until 31 March to Prevent Coronavirus Spread

  • 08:59

    Watch Shop Staff Push Elderly Man Outside of Store in London as Public Losing Temper Amid COVID-19

    People enter an Iceland store in London, Britain. Picture taken March 2, 2020

    Watch Shop Staff Push Elderly Man Outside of Store in London as Public Losing Temper Amid COVID-19

    Supermarkets across the United Kingdom have been forced to limit purchases as concerns over the coronavirus pandemic have led to shopping mayhem after people rushed to stores to buy necessities.

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  • 08:33

    Italy’s High COVID-19 Mortality Rate Linked to Aging Population – Vice Minister of Health

    The high mortality rate from the COVID-19 in Italy could be due to a large percentage of senior citizens in the population, Vice Minister of Health Pierpaolo Sileri told Sputnik.

    Italy suffers from an abnormally high COVID-19 mortality rate of about 7 percent, with most of the people succumbing to the disease being over 80-years-old. For comparison, Spain currently has a COVID-19 mortality rate of approximately 4.5 percent, while France and Germany have mortality rates of about 2.2 percent and 0.26 percent, respectively.

    “Yes, this might be linked to the average age of the Italian population … The elderly over 80-years-old are 7 percent of the population,” Sileri, himself infected with COVID-19, told Sputnik via email.

    He stressed that the Italian healthcare system prioritizes elderly care, leading to a longer lifespan among citizens.

    “But, obviously, with age comes the fragility of health, and the coronavirus complications become fatal,” the vice minister said.

    Italy is the leading European country when it comes to the spread of COVID-19, with more than 35,000 cases and a death toll nearing 3,000.

  • 08:32

    Sacre-Coeur Left Deserted as Paris Remains on Lockdown Due to Coronavirus – Video

    View of the Montmartre hill, with the Sacre Coeur Basilica, in Paris, Tuesday, March 27, 2018

    Sacre-Coeur Left Deserted as Paris Remains on Lockdown Due to Coronavirus – Video

    France has recorded over 7,700 coronavirus cases and 175 fatalities, with the government ordering a shutdown of all non-essential businesses and urging citizens to practice social distancing to contain the spread of the disease.

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  • 08:23

    Coronavirus-Hit Сruise Ship Costa Luminosa Expected to Dock in Marseille

  • 07:52

    Russia Suspends All Restrictions on Basic Necessity Goods Supplies for One Month

    Russia can handle the global coronavirus outbreak, there are no reasons to panic, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said Thursday.

    “Many people have just begun to realize how serious it is. But there are no reasons to panic, Russia has been successful in fighting epidemics inside the country and in the world. We will handle this threat,” the prime minister said.

    Most programs to prevent the spread of the coronavirus will be carried out this week, the prime minister stressed, adding that all relevant documents should be fast-tracked for government review and Mishustin’s signature.

    “Starting tomorrow, all restrictions over the supplies for the first necessity goods are suspended for one month, including at the customs. We are introducing a ‘green corridor ‘ for importers and large retail chains on import of a number of goods,” Mishustin said.

  • 07:34

    UK to Boost Covid Support Force by 10,000 Troops as Police, NHS at Full Stretch Over Pandemic

    UK military

    UK to Boost Covid Support Force by 10,000 Troops as Police, NHS at Full Stretch Over Pandemic

    On Wednesday, Boris Johnson gave his third daily press conference as hundreds of cases were confirmed in the UK amid the coronavirus pandemic, with the prime minister emphasising that he would bring in tighter measures if necessary to deal with the outbreak.

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  • 07:28

    French Government Vows to Extend Lockdown Period if Necessary

    “The 15-day period may be extended. If necessary, the government will re-conduct it,” Interior Minister Christophe Castaner told Europe 1 radio station.

  • 07:27

    Sales Plunge as Much as 50% Amid Coronavirus Outbreak – UK Luxury Group Burberry

  • 07:05

    Venezuela’s Maduro Asks WHO for Aid to Fight COVID-19 Amid Sanction Pressure

    Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has appealed to the World Health Organization (WHO) for assistance in combating the COVID-19 pandemic as the number of confirmed cases in the country approaches 40.

    “We need support in two main areas. The first technical, scientific and medical consultations at the highest level to evaluate and monitor the implementation of the [mitigation] plan, as well as recommendations for additional measures. Secondly, we need support in accessing diagnostic tools,” the president said in a telephone conversation with WHO Secretary General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus published on Twitter.

    The president added that US sanctions are impeding Venezuela’s ability to import much needed medical supplies.

  • 06:30

    Russian Government Calls COVID-19 One of Worst Global Health Crises in Last 50 Years

    Coronavirus in Russia

    Russian Government Calls COVID-19 One of Worst Global Health Crises in Last 50 Years

    MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The current coronavirus disease outbreak is one of the worst health care crises in the last 50 years, the Russian government said Thursday in a statement on the measures taken to protect the Russian citizens.

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  • 05:39

    Number of COVID-19 Cases in Brazil Rises to 428 – Health Ministry

    The number of people with confirmed coronavirus infection in Brazil has risen to 428 and a total of four people died as of Thursday, the Brazilian Health Ministry said.

    The previous latest statistics on the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Brazil had 291 cases with one fatality.

    According to the health ministry’s post on Twitter, there are some 11,200 more suspected cases in the Latin American country at the moment.

  • 05:30

    New Zealand Closes Borders to All Foreigners to Curb Spread of Coronavirus

    “We will no tolerate risk at our borders,” Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said at a news conference.

  • 05:21

    Dutch Health Minister Bruno Bruins Collapse in Parliament During Coronavirus Debate

    Dutch Minister Bruno Bruins for Medical Care (VVD) speaks during a debate about the developments surrounding the coronavirus, in The Hague, the Netherlands, on March 18, 2020.

    Watch Dutch Health Minister Bruno Bruins Collapse in Parliament During Coronavirus Debate

    The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the Netherlands soared by 346 on Wednesday to 2,051, with 58 deaths in total, according to the country’s National Institute for Health (RIVM).

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  • 05:20

    Sweden Imposes Entry Ban Over Coronavirus Outbreak, But Asylum Seekers Still Welcome

    Swedish police prepare to check an incoming train at the Swedish end of the bridge between Sweden and Denmark in Malmo, Sweden

    Sweden Imposes Entry Ban Over Coronavirus Outbreak, But Asylum Seekers Still Welcome

    People “in need of international protection” are still welcome, and the “right to asylum” is not affected by the decision, the Swedish government pointed out.

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  • 05:05

    Mexico Registers First Death From Coronavirus – Health Ministry

    Mexico has registered its first death from the coronavirus, the Health Ministry said in a statement, adding that the deceased was a diabetic whose symptoms appeared last week.

  • 05:04

    Canberra Introduces Travel Ban on Non-Residents, Non-Australian Citizens From 20 March Due to Coronavirus Outbreak

  • 05:00

    Overwhelming Number Coronavirus Cases Have Come From Overseas – Australian Prime Minister

  • 04:59

    Prime Minister of Fiji Says First COVID-19 Case Confirmed in Country

    The first case of COVID-19 has been registered in Fiji, Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama said on Thursday, adding that the country decided to impose quarantine on the hit territory.

    “In the early hours of this morning, Thursday, the 19th of March, Fiji confirmed its first case of the novel coronavirus, known as COVID-19. This is an event we have expected and spent months preparing for – and it is an event we are dealing with decisively,” the prime minister said in a statement, as quoted by the FBC News media outlet.

    The first patient was discovered and isolated in Greater Lautoka Area, according to Bainimarama.

    “Basically, if you are living in the Greater Lautoka Area, you will now stay in the Greater Lautoka Area. If you do not live in Greater Lautoka Area, you cannot travel there, even if you work there,” the prime minister said.

    The government of Fiji has also expanded the list of the nations that are subject to its border restrictions.

    “From midnight tonight, our border restrictions on mainland China, Italy, Iran, Spain and South Korea will be extended to foreign nationals who have been present in the United States of America and all of Europe, including the United Kingdom, within 14 days of their intended travel to Fiji. Also from midnight, anyone entering Fiji from any overseas destination will be required to self-quarantine for 14 days, meaning they must stay in one place and avoid contact with others or going out in public as much as possible,” the prime minister added.

  • 04:58

    Salvadorian President Says First COVID-19 Case Confirmed in Country

    The first case of COVID-19 has been registered in El Salvador, President Nayib Bukele said, adding that more people could be infected.

    “This person, who had illegally entered the country, has been delivered to the Metapan hospital as a possible coronavirus patient and has already been isolated. He has come into contact with many people and we cannot rule out that they were infected,” the president said at a press conference on late Wednesday, adding that the patient had tested positive for COVID-19.

    According to Bukele, El Salvador has tested 59 people for the coronavirus.

    The Latin American country has already suspended air traffic for 15 days to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.


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