#0399 – States Use “Purge” Sirens, Fines, And Arrests To Force People To Comply With Stay-At-Home Order

Via Mass Private I,

Historically speaking, it is hard for Americans to see how their liberties have been taken away. With the COVID-19 pandemic spreading across the country, hopefully that will no longer be the case.

In Crowley, Louisiana police are using “Purge” sirens to warn people to stay indoors during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In an effort to alert residents to the parish-wide curfew in Acadia Parish, Crowley Police rode around town broadcasting an alarm signal at 9:00 last night, but it’s not what anyone expected. In a video provided to KATC, the audible alarm from Crowley Police is actually the alarm sound from the successful film franchise The Purge.

Crowley Police will ticket people for going outside without documentation.

“After several days of this, the police department says they will begin giving out citations to violators. If you are headed to work or leaving work, you must have documentation from your employer.”

In Louisville, Kentucky a judge has ordered that people who ignore stay-at-home orders to wear GPS ankle bracelets.

“A judge has ordered one resident to stay at home after refusing to self-quarantine. CNN affiliate WDRB reports that the person, identified as D.L. in the court order, is living with someone who has tested positive for the illness and another person who is a presumptive case, according to an affidavit from Dr. Sarah Moyer, director of the health department.”

In Vermont, the Attorney General’s Office ordered police to stop setting up checkpoints and roadblocks to detain motorists who do not comply with stay-at-home orders. In Maine, a Franklin County Sheriff said they will not arrest motorists who do not comply with stay-at-home orders, “this is not Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia where you are asked for your papers.”

In Massachusetts and Alabama the government is giving law enforcement the names of anyone suspected of having COVID-19.

In Rhode Island, the state police are stopping people with New York state license plates and the National Guard is going door-to-door looking for New York state residents. In New York City the mayor has authorized the NYPD to fine people $500.00 for not observing social distancing.

In New Jersey, the Bergen County DA’s Office ordered police to stop requiring suspected COVID-19 patients to post signs on their homes. Police in Pennsylvania fined a woman $200.00 for taking a drive, and in Baltimore, Maryland the National Guard is being used to enforce COVID-19 curfews.

In FloridaDelaware, and Texas police are authorized to stop and question out-of state motorists. In Chicago, the mayor has threatened to arrest people for violating stay-at-home orders. Police in Rio Grande Valley are setting up roadblocks and 24/7 patrols to fine people for ignoring stay-at-home orders, while police in Detroit use video surveillance planes to fine people $1,000 and up to six months in jail for not observing social distancing. (To find out about Baltimore police surveillance airplanes, click here.)

In Brighton, Colorado a father was arrested for playing T-ball in a park with his 6-year-old daughter and wife because he did not observe social-distancing.

She’s like, ‘Daddy, I don’t want you to get arrested.’ At this point I’m thinking, ‘There’s no way they’re going to arrest me, this is insane.’ I’m telling her, ‘Don’t worry, Daddy’s not going to get arrested. I’ve done nothing wrong. Don’t worry about it,’ and then they arrest me.

As AP News warned, governors are using COVID-19 to further their political ambitions and help them win re-election.

“Now governors have been finding a way to introduce themselves, both politically and personally. Society won’t be the same for a long time after this, and that includes our politics,” Republican strategist John Weaver said. “I think you’ll see a rise of governors at the top of everyone’s mind when we get to that point in four years, there’s no doubt about it.”

If ever there was a reason to question political motives during COVID-19, I give you Sleepy Hollow.  The same village made famous for people being afraid of a headless horseman are now petrified of leaf blowers.

The Village of Sleepy Hollow is temporarily banning the use of leaf blowers to make sure residents are safe during the coronavirus pandemic. Village officials say since the virus is a respiratory condition, having things blown into the air could create a hazmat situation.

Talking about absurd COVID-19 responses,  the U.S. Department of Justice wants to give U.S. law enforcement the power to detain people indefinitely during an emergency.

The Justice Department has quietly asked Congress for the ability to ask chief judges to detain people indefinitely without trial during emergencies — part of a push for new powers that comes as the novel coronavirus spreads throughout the United States.

The Executive Director of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) is “terrified” that police could hold people indefinitely for ignoring stay-at-home orders.

“So that means you could be arrested and never brought before a judge until they decide that the emergency or the civil disobedience is over. I find it absolutely terrifying. Especially in a time of emergency, we should be very careful about granting new powers to the government,” Norman L. Reimer, executive director of the NACDL said.

As Megan Fox from PJ Media said,

Someone has to stand up to the unconstitutional directives that are being handed down daily by government officials and it will fall on the sheriffs to uphold what they know to be their legal and lawful duties, none of which involve trampling the rights of citizens.

We must remain vigilant and demand that the measures taken to stop COVID-19 are only temporary or we risk living in a country that suspends our Constitutional rights whenever they deem it necessary.

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