#0424 – Breaking: Woman Who Accused Biden of Sexual Assault Has Filed Criminal Complaint Against Him

Breaking: Woman Who Accused Biden of Sexual Assault Has Filed Criminal Complaint Against Him

Vice President Joe Biden, participates in a Democratic presidential primary debate at CNN Studios, Sunday, March 15, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

We previously reported on the claims of Tara Reade, a former staffer to Joe Biden when he was in the Senate who claims that he sexually assaulted her in 1993.

Reade came forward late last month claiming that Biden had pushed her against a wall, pulling up her skirt and penetrated her with his fingers.

She said that she had taken her story to the #MeToo group Time’s Up for help in January, but was turned down. The group said they were unable to help her because Biden was a candidate running for federal office.

Biden has previously been accused of inappropriately touching women last year. At the time, Reade alleged that he had made her feel uncomfortable, touching her shoulders and her neck, but she didn’t tell a story of sexual assault.

According to Katie Halper who interviewed Reade about her story, Reade’s brother and one of Reade’s friends confirms that she told them about what happened at the time.

Now, Reade. has reportedly taken it a step further.


She’s filed a formal criminal complaint against Biden over the alleged sexual assault with the Washington, D.C. police, according to Business Insider.

They claim the complaint was filed on Thursday and they have a copy of the incident report. Business Insider also says it’s past the statute of limitations.

When Reade first made the sexual assault allegation last month, Biden’s team issued a blanket denial: “Women have a right to tell their story, and reporters have an obligation to rigorously vet those claims,” Kate Bedingfield, Biden’s communications director said. “We encourage them to do so, because these accusations are false.”

Now that she’s filed a criminal complaint, will it get any more coverage by the media? They’ve mostly refused to acknowledge it apart from the leftist outfit The Intercept.

Or is Biden off-limits as the only hope Democrats and media have against Trump? Not much of a hope, if he’s it. Trump has gotten a severe hit from the pandemic hitting Americans and the economy, but people are still trusting him as the stronger guy to help get the country through it.

Biden’s only coverage for the past couple of months has been all his gaffes and inability to even put a sentence together coherently. Add this on top of it all and this is going to drive even more people away for him. Assuming media are honest and cover it.

Democrats were all over Brett Kavanaugh for a story completely lacking in any evidence, indeed with evidence that contradicted the story of Christine Blasey Ford. Yet they were all in, with “believe all women.” Where is the “believe all women” here?

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