#0777 – Ghislaine Should Be On Suicide Watch: Former MDC Warden

A former warden at the jail holding Ghislaine Maxwell says the accused Jeffrey Epstein accomplice should be on suicide watch – as her case is ‘too explosive to risk her killing herself behind bars,’ reports the New York Post.

She allegedly knows a great deal of information about a multitude of potential co-defendants in the actions against Jeffrey Epstein,” said Cameron Lindsay, who served as the warden of the Metropolitan Detention Center for three years, adding that he wouldn’t risk the possibility of her suicide.

“This is just such a sensitive case, it’s absolutely imperative that the government get it right,” added Lindsay. “Why take any chances? Just put her on suicide watch and keep her there until she’s out the door. I would just not risk it.

At the jail, an inmate is placed on suicide watch at the discretion of the warden and the chief psychologist at the facility.

Once on inmate is on suicide watch, a staff member or fellow inmate who has been trained by the psychologist, sits outside their cell and stares at them constantly to ensure they don’t attempt to kill themselves. –New York Post

Maxwell will likely be placed in a cell by herself due to her status as a high-profile suspect which could make her a target for other inmates, according to the report.

Maxwell shortly after the death of her father in 1991

To take someone out like that, that would be a badge of honor in the subculture of prisons,” he added. “Anytime an inmate with wide publicity of a very sensitive nature like this, they become a target.”

Maxwell, who arrived at the Sunset Park jail Monday, was likely transported to the facility in “full restraints,” which includes leg irons, a belly chain and handcuffs. After entering, she would’ve been stripped searched and cavity searched and given a medical examination.

She’ll likely ride out her time at the jail in “administrative lockdown status,” Lindsay added, which would keep her locked down in a cell 23 hours a day. She’d be given one hour of recreation time at a small outdoor area after being escorted from her cell in shackles under the lockdown status. –New York Post

Maxwell’s death would also be incredibly convenient for a host of high-profile individuals suspected of participating in Epstein’s underage sex trafficking ring. She was charged with four counts of sex trafficking and two counts of perjury, and will be held at the Metropolitan Detention Center at least until her bail hearing, tentatively scheduled for the 14th of July.

After his arrest on charges of sex-trafficking dozens of teenage girls, Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his cell last August at New York’s Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in lower Manhattan. While ruled a suicide, many have speculated that the combination of broken security cameras and ‘sleepy guards’ at the exact moment he allegedly hanged himself suggests he was ‘suicided’ before he could spill the beans on his high-profile friends and clients.

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