#0790 – We Now Know Obama and Mueller’s Teams Were Corrupt – Their Top Four Witnesses Included Liars, a Drug Addict, a Convicted Pedophile and a Pervert

Clearly the Obama Administration’s attempted coup of President Trump was as corrupt as they come.  We all know it.  Just look at the witnesses they used in their scheme – the list includes a drug addict, a known liar, a pedophile and a pervert.   This only confirms this was the creepiest and most corrupt group of conspirators in history.

Stefan Halper

In May 2020 documents in the General Flynn case were released that validated what we reported years ago – Stefan Halper spied on General Flynn and others and lied to create stories the FBI wanted to hear. Halper reportedly had a horrible drug addiction.

This didn’t stop the Obama Administration from using Halper as a spy to get General Flynn. Halper made up a story about the General and a young professor in the UK.

Christopher Steele

Christopher Steele was commissioned by the Hillary Clinton campaign to make up lies about future President Trump and his ties to Russia. Steele was eventually sued and found guilty of lying in a UK court this week.

We knew that Steele was a liar and that Jim Comey knew it an used him anyways so the FBI could say they had a reason for investigating the Trump Administration.  But this was all based on lies:

We’ve known for well over a year that the Clinton campaign and the FBI worked with former UK MI6 spy Christopher Steele, who authored a dossier of salacious statements about President Trump.  Steele was reportedly paid by Fusion GPS and ultimately by the Hillary Clinton campaign for his document.

Steele was paid $168,000 by Glenn Simpson’s company Fusion GPS for the series of memos containing information that was selectively briefed to journalists approved by Simpson and used by the FBI.

The Steele dossier was never verified and Steele himself told a British Court that he could not verify it.

George Nader

We reported in June that Nader was previously indicted on June 3rd 2019 on child pornography charges.  According to a 3-count indictment unsealed last year, Nader was charged last July for possessing child pornography and for traveling with a minor to engage in illegal sexual acts.

Mueller used this pedophile as his star witness who was also funneling illegal foreign money to the Hillary campaign but Mueller never decided to investigate this.  Instead, creepy Mueller used a pedophile to implicate President Trump in ‘Russia collusion’ — knowing that no crime related to collusion exists in US law.

Joseph Mifsud

Joseph Mifsud is connected to the Obama Spygate Scandal after presumably setting up George Papadopoulos and General Flynn in London. He also was close to Hillary Clinton and even dined with her in 2016.  Then he went missing.

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