#0804 – Leftists, Islamists and BLM Radicals Accused St. Louis Catholics of Holding White Nationalist Rally …Then This Happened

A Sister of Charity leads Catholic Procession at the Apotheosis of St. Louis in Forest Park

two weeks ago The Gateway Pundit called on local Christians to come together for a prayer rally at the statue of St. Louis in Forest Park.

This was in response to recent efforts by local radicals and Islamist activist Umar Lee to remove the St. Louis statue in Forest Park.

When we arrived for a prayer rally at the St. Louis statue in Forest Park we were met by a very violent, raucous, disrespectful mob of Black Lives Matter activists and leftist radicals.

Local radical leftists smeared our prayer rally as a white nationalist event and KKK meeting knowing this would put our Christian group in mortal danger.

After most of the Catholics and Christians left the area three Catholic men were viciously beaten by the far left group that remained at the statue.

On Sunday night the radical left called on supporters to come out and harass Christians at their prayer rosary in Forest Park.

And, once again, they accused praying Catholics of being White Nationalists.

But Sunday came and the Catholics were not deterred.
Over 500 Catholics turned out to say the rosary despite the threats of leftist violence.

Then this happened…
By chance the woman who led the procession following the rosary was a black woman and Sister of Charity.

More from Dan Powell

It was a hot night but an estimated 500 Catholics turned out anyway to pray.


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