#1080 – Kellyanne Conway Leaving the Trump Administration to Focus on Her Family

This is one time in D.C. when a government official who says ‘I’m resigning to spend more time with my family’ is telling the truth. Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway is leaving her position by the end of August to try to repair her fractured family. Likewise, her Trump-hating husband George Conway is taking leave from the Lincoln Project and also taking a break from Twitter. The Conways’ 15-year-old daughter Claudia has made a spectacle of her dysfunctional family with posts on social media this summer. The apparent break point came this weekend when Claudia posted she wanted to be emancipated from her parents.

Kellyanne Conway speaks to reporters, screen image via The Hill/Twitter, August 19.


Kellyanne Conway managed the successful conclusion of President Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, becoming the first woman to manage a winning presidential campaign.

The Washington Post broke the story of Kellyanne Conway’s resignation Sunday night.


Kellyanne Conway posted a statement about her resignation after the Post article was published:

The past four years have allowed me blessings beyond compare as a part of history on Election Night 2016 and as Senior Counselor to the President. It’s been heady. It’s been humbling.

I am deeply grateful to the President for this honor, and tothe First Lady, the Vice President and Mrs. Pence, my colleagues in the White House and the Administration, and the countless people who supported me and my work. As many convention speakers will demonstrate this week, President Trump’s leadership has had a measurable, positive impact on the peace and prosperity of the nation, and on millions of Americans who feel forgotten no more.

The incredible men, women and children we’ve met along the way have reaffirmed my later-in-life experience that public service can be meaningful and consequential. For all of its political differences and cultural cleavages, this is a beautiful country filled with
amazing people. The promise of America belongs to us all.

I will be transitioning from the White House at the end of this month. George is also making changes. We disagree about plenty but we are united on what matters most: the kids. Our four children are teens and ‘tweens starting a new academic year, in middle school and high school, remotely from home for at least a few months. As millions of parents nationwide know, kids “doing school from home” requires a level of attention and vigilance that is as unusual as these times.
This is
completely my choice and my voice. In time, I will announce future plans. For now, and for my beloved children, it will be less drama, more mama.

Kellyanne Conway
August 23, 2020

George Conway earlier Sunday said he might be taking a break from Twitter, then went on an anti-Trump Twitter storm”I *may* be taking a Twitter hiatus soon. If I do, I’d like to leave all of you with a few thoughts.”

Sunday night George Conway wrote, “So I’m withdrawing from @ProjectLincoln to devote more time to family matters. And I’ll be taking a Twitter hiatus. Needless to say, I continue to support the Lincoln Project and its mission. Passionately.”

Claudia Conway posted numerous times to Twitter over the weekend in what was a troubled teen’s cry for help and attention from her parents. She also retweeted a poll that said Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) should adopt her. A selection:

“I’m officially pushing for emancipation. buckle up because this is probably going to be public one way or another, unfortunately. welcome to my life”

“my mother’s job ruined my life to begin with. heartbreaking that she continues to go down that path after years of watching her children suffer. selfish. it’s all about money and fame, ladies and gentlemen.”

“as for my dad, politically, we agree on absolutely nothing. we just both happen to have common sense when it comes to our current president. stop “stanning” him”

“y’all love to twist everything i’m not getting emancipated because of my mom’s job.. it is because of years of childhood trauma and abuse”

“this is becoming way too much so i am taking a mental health break from social media. see y’all soon. thank you for the love and support. no hate to my parents please.”


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