#1457 – “It’s Time To Defund NPR”: GOP Rep Slams NPR For Refusing To Cover Hunter Biden Laptop Bombshell

Representative Paul Gosar called for the defunding of National Public Radio (NPR) last week as a result of the outlet refusing to cover the bombshell Hunter Biden laptop story. 

NPR had previously called the story a “waste of time”, stating: “We don’t want to waste our time on stories that aren’t really stories, and we don’t want to waste the listener’s and reader’s time on stories that are pure distractions.”

Among others who were outraged about the mainstream media actively covering up what is obviously a bombshell revelation regarding the Biden family’s business dealings with China, Ukraine and Russia (which we covered in detail in this report) was Representative Paul Gosar.

“It’s time to defund @NPR. This is appalling,” he Tweeted late last week:


NPR public editor Kelly McBride also published a question from a listener late last week asking why NPR hadn’t covered the story, according to Fox News. The inquiry read: “Someone please explain why NPR has apparently not reported on the Joe Biden, Hunter Biden story in the last week or so that Joe did know about Hunter’s business connections in Europe that Joe had previously denied having knowledge?”

McBride responded by saying there were “many, many red flags” with the story (yeah, like it’s devastating to your preferred Presidential candidate) and suggested it could be Russian disinformation – a narrative that was roundly discredited on the night of the last Presidential debate, where former Biden associate Tony Bobulinski held a press conference and confirmed much of the NY Post’s findings.

But that didn’t stop NPR from pushing the Russia angle. They stated: “Intelligence officials warn that Russia has been working overtime to keep the story of Hunter Biden in the spotlight. Even if Russia can’t be positively connected to this information, the story of how Trump associates Steve Bannon and Rudy Giuliani came into a copy of this computer hard drive has not been verified and seems suspect.”

Recall, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said last week that the laptop was “not part of some Russian disinformation campaign.”

We’re sure NPR didn’t report that, either. 

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