#1491 – Bobulinski Says He Was Questioned by FBI Agents For 5 Hours as a “Material Witness” in Ongoing FBI Investigation Focused on Hunter Biden and Associates (VIDEO)

A Justice Department official confirmed with Sinclair reporter James Rosen that in late 2019, the FBI opened up a criminal investigation into “Hunter Biden and his associates,” focused on allegations of money-laundering, and that it remains open and active today.

Tony Bobulinski told James Rosen in an interview that the FBI interviewed him with counsel present for 5 hours on October 23rd as a “material witness” in an ongoing investigation focused on Hunter Biden and his associates.

Tony Bobulinski is the CEO of Sinohawk Holdings which was a partnership between the Chinese operating through CEFC/Chairman Ye and the Biden family.

Hunter Biden’s associate-turned-whistleblower Tony Bobulinski came forward and provided documents and his electronics to senate investigators and FBI officials to be examined.

Bobulinski confirmed his 3 cell phones were examined by the FBI.

Tony Bobulinski said he is a material witness in connection with the discussion with the Biden family, CEFC and other operations around the world involving other countries.

Bobulinski described how Jim Biden and Hunter Biden went behind his back and did a shady side deal with CEFC and got a $5 million “interest free loan” from the Chinese energy firm.

On August 8, 2017, $5 million was wired from a CEFC-affiliated investment vehicle to the bank account for Hudson West III, which spent the next year transferring $4,790,375 million directly to Hunter Biden’s firm, Owasco, according to Senate documents.

Senate investigators described how the Chinese state owned energy company wired the $5 million “loan” to Hunter’s firm through an investment vehicle — to the bank account for Hudson West III –which then dispersed the money to Hunter’s firm (money laundering).




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