#1529 – What These Two Men Found In The Trash After A Wedding Reception In A Closed Polling Place Is Stunning [VIDEO]

A young man posted a very disturbing discovery on his Instagram story that was made by him and the groom after a wedding reception held in a church hall where voting took place earlier in the day.

Chase O’Shea, who claims he’s a big Trump supporter but doesn’t post about his political beliefs, said he just had to share a video showing what he and the groom discovered when they were taking out the trash.

Chase and the bridegroom showed a table with torn up ballots that they pulled out of the garbage can. All but one of the ballots was a vote for President Trump. Curiously, only one of the filled out and destroyed ballots had Joe Biden’s name on it.

The two men point out that even in the red state of Oklahoma, voter fraud is taking place, and according to the two men who found the destroyed ballots, it sure looks like someone didn’t like President Trump very much.

Dinesh D’Souza posted the video on Rumble, an alternative platform to the highly censored YouTube that is owned by Google.




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