#2810 – Deep State Won’t See a Dime of Trump’s Money

When Deep State Judge Arthur Engoron—a man who looks like death walking—ruled that President Trump must pay $355 million in fines for allegedly overvaluing Trump Organization properties to secure low-interest bank loans, Trump naturally expressed shock and outrage on his social media platform, Truth Social. His fiery rebuke, Mar-a-Lago sources told Real Raw News, was a scripted response to a verdict he had intuited; the moment the now-incarcerated Attorney General Leticia James indicted him on trumped-up charges, he knew the odds were stacked against him and that he wouldn’t get a fair trial in a city rife with Deep State corruption. He also knew with perfect clarity that the cabal would never see even a dime of his vast fortune.

“If they think they’re getting any of President Trump’s money, they’re gravely mistaken. He entered this octagon of a fight aware that they’d find him guilty—in fact, he wanted that outcome to expose them as the Deep State criminals they are. The more they go after him, the more popular he gets. They can’t learn from their mistakes that going after Trump only hurts them. And Trump’s assets are safe,” a Mar-a-Lago source told Real Raw News.

Regardless, Trump’s lawyers have vowed to appeal the verdict to New York’s Appellate Division, First Judicial Department, saying that if the ruling stands, other multi-billion-dollar corporations, fearing similar maltreatment, would flee New York City for safer ground, decimating a Deep State city already teetering on the edge of ruin.

According to one source, the besieged president and his closest advisors met at Mar-a-Lago’s inner sanctum shortly after the verdict. Trump reportedly assured them that although he had sufficient liquidity to cover the unjust fines without auctioning off real estate, such as Trump Tower, he would “never in a million years” dissolve his empire or yield to Deep State corruption.

“The president knows, too, that if he capitulates and pays, his money will get used to help the Deep State target other patriots, which his supporters wouldn’t appreciate very much. Without going into detail, I can say his properties and assets are immune to Deep State seizure,” our source said.

If Trump, for whatever reason, decides to pay, he could do so without sacrificing a nickel, RRN has learned.

A JAG source in Pensacola, Florida, said Trump has acquired an unexpected benefactor: Oprah Winfrey.

“We’ve informed the president we’ve confiscated more than enough of Oprah’s assets to cover the cost,” the source said.

As reported previously, a military tribunal this month sentenced Winfrey to death for her role in perpetrating last summer’s Maui inferno. Immediately after her conviction, JAG started identifying and seizing Winfrey’s assets, including four properties in three states, $34 million cash, a fleet of luxury vehicles, $25 million in jewelry, and other unspecified resources.

“We’ve only hit the tip of the iceberg. She’s sheltered a lot overseas. But I can say we’ve made progress. Trump said Oprah’s cash should get used to fight the deep state, not fund it, and that’s what we’ll use it for,” our JAG source said.

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