#1694 – Who Actually Believes This BS Story? Joe Biden Explains How He Broke His Foot in Interview with CNN (VIDEO)

Who actually believes this story?

Joe Biden supposedly slipped and fractured his foot while playing with his German shepherd named Major on Saturday.

But he hid it from the media for a full 24 hours.

Joe Biden’s team also tried to block the media by maneuvering a press van so that reporters and photogs couldn’t see Biden as he entered the orthopedic office last weekend.

On Thursday 78-year-old Joe Biden explained how he fractured his foot in an interview with CNN.

“I’m walking through this little alleyway to get to the bedroom and I grabbed the ball like this and he ran and I was joking running after him to grab his tail. And what happened was he slipped on a throw rug and I tripped on the rug he slid on,” said Biden.


Did Biden also beat up Cornpop in the alleyway as he walked to his bedroom?




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