#2895 – Trump Slays Feeble Biden in Enemy Territory at Last Night’s Debate

A crusty, crotchety, feeble Joe Biden would have lost last night’s presidential debate even if President Donald J. Trump hadn’t shown up at CNN’s Atlanta studios to tactfully expose Biden’s evident weaknesses—the inability to deliver a cogent thought without the aid of a teleprompter or his advisors whispering answers into an earpiece surreptitiously.

The debate opened with Biden struggling to walk six feet to his podium as CNN mouthpieces Jake Tapper and Dana Bush introduced him as the President of the United States, a title bestowed upon him by globalists, elitists, and the mainstream media, not by legitimate American voters. Whereas Biden appeared in need of a walker or wheelchair to reach the stage, President Donald J. Trump marched into enemy territory full of vim and vigor, bristling with energetic confidence, facts, and proof that only he has the gusto and skill to end the tyranny, injustice, and economic warfare the illegal regime has wrought upon the citizenry these last four years.

The debate was essentially over the moment Biden opened his mouth. He was lost and confused, mumbling so quietly that viewers could hardly hear his responses and frequently answering questions with nonsensical answers even though he and his army of Deep State advisors had spent eight days hunkered down at Camp David prepping for the debate.

Biden’s performance was an epic embarrassment, a fact not lost on his handlers, who, according to White Hat sources, were left reeling in the aftermath. The weight of his failure was palpable.

A U.S. Army Cyber Command source said “a man sounding like Obama” telephoned Biden to express dismay at Biden’s performance. “You fucked up, Joe. You really fucked this one up,” Obama reportedly told him. And Antony Blinken, still hiding in Eastern Europe, phoned Biden with his appraisal of Biden’s presentation: “You’ve dug yourself a deep grave.” It’s unclear if he meant that figuratively.

His wife, Jill, on the other hand, praised his performance. Following the debate, Biden met Jill backstage, embraced her, and asked, “I won, didn’t I? I beat him good.” She replied, “Of course you did,” obviously coddling him.

Our ARCYBER source would not say how White Hats discerned the conversations, citing operational security. He said they’re still evaluating the debate to determine whether the Biden on stage was real or a body double or clone.

“We know there’s a lot of debate out there if the real Joe’s dead or alive. As we’ve told you before, Mike, we’ve seen no concrete proof he’s dead. So far, what we saw last night seemed like the true Joe. That’s our interpretation at this time,” the source said.

As ARCYBER at Fort Gordon scrutinized the debate in real-time, so did the White Hat council at Camp Pendleton. General Eric M. Smith, having just dealt with his own clone fiasco, arrived back at Pendleton from vacation an hour before the debate. Any fears of Biden repeating his fiery and cogent “Dark Brandon” performance last march were allayed when he, responding to Tapper’s question about inflation, confusedly stammered about coming from Scranton, Pennsylvania, and something about kitchen sinks. A source in Gen. Smith’s office said the White Hat council had laughed hysterically, as though watching a comedy, as Biden descended deeper into madness. That the Deep State sent a totally incompetent, inept Biden to square off against Trump, who answered debate questions factually and succinctly, with poise and dignity, stunned the White Hat council.

“They couldn’t believe what they were seeing. It was like a comedy skit. It was more proof Biden’s just a puppet. Can’t believe they pulled him out of his basement for this. Assuming that was Joe Biden, it’s pretty obvious he’s become so addicted to drugs and Adrenochrome that they’ve lost efficacy on him. He was paralyzed like a deer caught in headlights. He humiliated himself. Trump didn’t have to slay him,” our source said.

Asked to speculate why the Deep State sent Biden instead of a facsimile, he said, “If they sent a clone, Trump would’ve pulled its pants down and shown it had no genitals, and if they sent a double, Trump would’ve ripped off its mask. That’s my guess. Instead, they seem to have shown the world the real Joseph R. Biden, who was more interested in proving he could beat Trump at golf than debating serious issues.”

And asked if the Deep State intended for Biden to lose, as an excuse to replace him as the presumptive Democratic nominee at the last moment, he said, “If that’s true, it doesn’t explain the Blinken and Obama phone calls. But anything is possible.”

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