#2911 – CJCS Charles Brown Pulls a Milley, Claims He’s an Undercover Patriot

History tends to repeat itself.

The late Mark A. Milley, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was tried, convicted, and executed for treason in October 2023, having betrayed the nation, “pledged allegiance” to Joseph R. Biden, and pined for a world in which the U.S. and Ukraine merged into a single country called “The United States of Ukraine,” governed jointly by Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Joseph Biden. Following his arrest on September 25, 2023, Milley claimed his apparent betrayal was an act, that he and Donald Trump were working together, clandestinely, to topple the Deep State, and that his detainment jeopardized Trump’s “plan.” When JAG investigators told Milley they would contact Trump to corroborate the story, Milley said the plan was so rooted in secrecy that President Trump wouldn’t acknowledge its existence or Milley’s role. He had stoically maintained his innocence even as President Trump testified at the tribunal remotely, saying Milley ought to be executed, but Milley’s façade finally cracked on the day of his execution, with him boldly shouting, “Ukraine is the future,” before dropping to his death.

History repeats.

Milley’s successor, General Charles Q. Brown, has presumably been spinning a similar yarn since his arrest Sunday morning, claiming without evidence that, prior to his unceremonious detainment, he had been patriotically exposing regime military loyalists—and that someone in the administration must have discovered his duplicity and framed him.

As reported, White Hats apprehended Brown based on an email he had sent to over 600 Armed Forces officers, among them General Smith. In it, Brown acrimoniously disparaged President Trump and encouraged the 600 to vote Blue in November, even if the nominee was Harris. Brown implied he would find Harris a path to victory.

On Tuesday Brown was sitting opposite JAG investigators in an interrogation room. They confronted him with the email, evoking Brown’s rancor, puzzlement, and, later, amusement. He denied authorizing and sending the letter. He asserted his “cover” had been blown and that the Deep State had hacked his email account to set him up.

When asked to expound his claim, Brown said he was a patriot and supported MAGA and Donald Trump. He segued into a seemingly convoluted fable detailing his allegiance to Trump and mysterious mission to expose treacherous military brass abetting the regime’s transition to a one-world government. He ascribed the “fake email” to his love and respect for President Trump, saying, “They discovered me and did this to me, so I’d take a fall. I’m loyal to President Trump. My bona fides speak for themself.”

In August 2020, President Trump oversaw the swearing-in of Brown as Chief of Staff of the Air Force, welcoming him to the “big leagues” and commending his “fantastic job.” It’s unclear whether Trump at the time actually trusted Brown, for the president keeps his friends close and his enemies closer; however, Trump had also said, “Charles was confirmed 98 to nothing. That makes me a little bit concerned, right? Ninety-eight — (laughter). I’ve never heard — I’ve never heard that before.”

Brown mentioned the promotion to the interrogators as proof that Trump trusted him, and vice versa.

“Is that what they teach you guys at Deep State school? To say you’re really a patriot when you get caught. Milley tried the same ploy—he’s dead now,” an interrogator told Brown.

“I know, and he may’ve been a traitor, but I’m not, and I’m not stupid. If I wrote that, do you really think I’d have added Smith as a recipient? This must smell fishy to you. I serve my country with honor,” Brown replied.

“All Deep Staters screw up eventually,” the interrogator said. “You’re no different. You do realize we’ll be speaking with President Trump—we’ll see if he’ll vouch for you after reading your email.”

“The president isn’t aware. I’m doing this for him, not with him,” Brown said.

“In that case, you better hope he’s feeling charitable, because soon, very soon, you’ll be standing trial as an enemy combatant at GITMO,” an interrogator said.

Our source said Brown refused a polygraph.

“He wouldn’t take the lie detector test. He said only God could verify his story. I’ve heard that Admiral Crandall has other evidence, but I don’t know what that is, and unless Brown comes up with some miraculous exculpatory evidence, his days are numbered,” our source said.

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