#1865 – Situation Update, Dec. 17th – Ratcliffe confirmation of foreign interference hands Trump justification to SEIZE ballots, voting machines

Image: Situation Update, Dec. 17th – Ratcliffe confirmation of foreign interference hands Trump justification to SEIZE ballots, voting machines

There is an incredible dynamic unfolding today as the deep state is pressuring DNI Ratcliffe to try to delay the foreign interference report that’s due this Friday (the 18th).

Here are the highlights of today’s Situation Update (Dec. 17th), which is embedded below.

  • Foreign interference in the US election is confirmed by DNI John Ratcliffe.
  • Deep state swamp creatures in the intelligence community (IC) are trying to delay the report.
  • The legacy media is now admitting that coronavirus vaccines don’t work and don’t protect anyone. Masks are still required.
  • Fauci says 85% of Americans need to be vaccinated with a vaccine that doesn’t work and offers no protection.
  • Alaska health worker suffers serious vaccine reaction.
  • Forehead-scanning thermometers revealed as useless.
  • Twitter bans all content that’s critical of vaccines. You can no longer report adverse events or you will be banned. (Twitter teams up with Big Pharma to commit crimes against humanity.)
  • Ontario top health officials caught on hot mic prior to COVID briefing: “I just say whatever they write down for me” – total theater, it’s all staged.
  • Candace Owens lets loose on Bill Gates, Big Pharma and Fauci, calling them “evil.”
  • Pennsylvania dept. of health offers the public hilarious advice on how to prevent covid-19 from spreading during orgies. Pound anyone you want, but wear a mask. This is the new insanity of “public health.”
  • Intelligence agencies have loads of evidence of China’s interference in the 2020 election.
  • “Intel source” tells Maria Martiromo that Trump won the election, they are counting on SCOTUS to “stop the clock.” (Good luck with that, SCOTUS is compromised by Roberts.)
  • Rand Paul: Voter fraud ‘happened’ and election was in ‘many ways stolen.’
  • President Trump comments on Senate election fraud hearing, confirms Krebs (from CISA) was lying.
  • Trump Lawyer Jenna Ellis: ‘We’re Gonna Fight Regardless of What Happens’ in January.
  • Why Trump is going to win Wisconsin as that election outcome is overturned.
  • Voting machines subpoenaed in Michigan and Arizona.
  • Pentagon issues emergency shutdown of computer network handling classified material. (SIPRNET backdoor).
  • The real story behind the SolarWinds hack: White hats gathering proof of election fraud.
  • SolarWinds owners revealed to have links to Obama and the Clintons.
  • Sen. McConnell took money from Dominion as election contributions.
  • FOUR Senators now willing to consider objecting to electoral votes on Jan. 6th. FIVE members of the House now willing to object. Only 1 from each is needed.
  • Operation Snowglobe and how Patrick Byrne took part in an Obama operation to frame Hillary Clinton with charges of bribery so that Obama could run his “third term” through President Clinton in 2016.

Here’s the full podcast, which runs 88 minutes.


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