#2003 – BREAKING: Pennsylvania House & Senate Members Write Urgent Letter to McConnell and McCarthy Over Election Results

On Thursday, members of the Pennsylvania House and Senate sent an urgent letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House GOP leader Keven McCarthy, telling them to dispute the election results in the state of Pennsylvania.

The letter was signed by 27 Pennsylvania lawmakers.

“Today, members of the PA House and Senate request that Sen Mitch McConnell and Rep Kevin McCarthy dispute the PA election results until an investigation is conducted into the numerous claims of fraud,” said Pennsylvania state Senator Doug Mastriano. “Until this is completed, the hastily certified results can’t be trusted.”

“There are increasing concerns that the 2020 presidential election should not have been certified in Pennsylvania, with mounting and overwhelming evidence depicting election irregularities and extensive potential fraud,” the letters to McConnell and McCarthy read. “The fraud must be investigated – not ignored.”

“Sadly, despite evidence, our Governor and Secretary of State inexplicably refuse to conduct any investigations,” the letter continued. “Our Republic cannot long endure without free and fair elections, where each person has one legal vote. However, allegations of fraudulent activity, as well as violations of election law in 2020, have placed the nation’s eyes upon Pennsylvania. Without a thorough investigation into these allegations, the certification of Pennsylvania election results is suspect at best. This has nothing to do with overturning any election results, but rather ascertaining if the allegations of fraud corrupted the outcome of the vote. There are simply too many questions that remain unanswered to say that the result can be trusted and therefore the certification is premature, and the results must be disputed until an investigation is completed.”

The letter then continues by going into the specifics of alleged election fraud.


Earlier in the week, Pennsylvania House Republicans dropped a bombshell analysis where they claimed the certified votes in the state of Pennsylvania are in error by about 200,000 votes.

“Pa Lawmakers: Numbers Don’t Add Up, Certification Of Presidential Results Premature and In Error,” tweeted Republican State Representative Russ Diamond.

The group of Republican Representatives dropped the following message:

HARRISBURG – A group of state lawmakers performing extensive analysis of election data today revealed troubling discrepancies between the numbers of total votes counted and total number of voters who voted in the 2020 General Election, and as a result are questioning how the results of the presidential election could possibly have been certified by Secretary of the Commonwealth Kathy Boockvar and Governor Tom Wolf. These findings are in addition to prior concerns regarding actions by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, the Secretary, and others impacting the conduct of the election.

A comparison of official county election results to the total number of voters who voted on November 3, 2020 as recorded by the Department of State shows that 6,962,607 total ballots were reported as being cast, while DoS/SURE system records indicate that only 6,760,230 total voters actually voted. Among the 6,962,607 total ballots cast, 6,931,060 total votes were counted in the presidential race, including all three candidates on the ballot and write-in candidates.

The difference of 202,377 more votes cast than voters voting, together with the 31,547 over- and under-votes in the presidential race, adds up to an alarming discrepancy of 170,830 votes, which is more than twice the reported statewide difference between the two major candidates for President of the United States. On November 24, 2020, Boockvar certified election results, and Wolf issued a certificate of ascertainment of presidential electors, stating that Vice President Joe Biden received 80,555 more votes than President Donald Trump.



President Donald Trump also took notice of the report and immediately took to Twitter.

“Breaking News: In Pennsylvania there were 205,000 more votes than there were voters. This alone flips the state to President Trump.”

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