#0095 – The State of California Declares “Sanctuary State for Coronavirus Patients”

In alignment with California’s other insane Democrat policies, it has now declared

itself to be a “Sanctuary State for Coronavirus Patients”.

Conoravirus patients can now go to California and get free medical, free housing,

free food, free cell phones, free transportation and free counseling.  If there aren’t

enough facilities to hold the patients, California is prepared to confiscate taxpayer

homes and put families in tent shelters to make room for the sick patients.

As a patient bonus, if they find any guns in a family home and turn them in,

they can upgrade their free car to a Tesla.

At first taxpayers had a moment of frustration about losing their homes to

Coronavirus patients, but then realized it’s the Democrat way and affirmed

the proposed plans, as they always do.

The political power inside  California wholly concurs with this decision

and can’t wait for the bus loads of sick patients to enter the state.

The rest of America applauds their indifference to Coronavirus patients

as it follows the same exemplary actions already in place for illegal aliens,

murderers, rapists and an assorted variety of gang members.

Editor Note:  although you know this article is fake news, it does give us

credible standings with CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC & FoxNews.


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