#0978 – Trump Promises to ‘Act Under My Authority’ if Congress Won’t Pass Economic Stimulus Bill

U.S. President Trump holds a news conference at his golf resort in Bedminster, New Jersey

US President Donald Trump has vowed to use his executive powers to get an economic stimulus bill into legislation if congressional Democrats and Republicans fail to reach an agreement in the near future.

Speaking from Bedminster, New Jersey, on Friday, Trump remarked that Democrats in Congress are holding up federal economic relief with “radical left-wing” demands.

“If Democrats continue to hold this critical relief hostage, I will act under my authority as president to get Americans the relief they need,” he said.

The US president also noted that he may also issue an executive order to extend unemployment benefits and declare a payroll tax holiday until next year.

“It’ll be retroactive ’till July 1st,” Trump said of the payroll tax deferment. He also put forward the possible suspension of student loans and interest forgiveness.

An extension to eviction moratoriums is also being considered in the event of an executive order, according to the US president.

“We gave them their chance, but they view it as an election enhancement,” Trump said of the Democrats.

He went on to allege that Democrats are “cheating on the election” to secure a November victory for former Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

However, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) argued that Democrats were fighting to ensure Americans received a proper stimulus package as the pandemic lingers.

“When you’re having an opportunity like this to do something for the American people, it’s an opportunity, but we can’t have it be a missed opportunity to do that by settling for something so low, so beneath meeting the needs of the American people,” she said.

Trump Threatens to Terminate TVA Board Members Over Recent Layoffs

Trump announced that “hundreds of American workers” would be able to return to their jobs at the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) after the Trump administration threatened to remove TVA board members from their own jobs.

The US president claimed TVA employees were originally being fired from their positions and “ordered to train the lower-cost, foreign workers imported to replace them.”

“In this administration, we live by two rules: buy American and hire American,” he remarked.

“We were wrong in not fully understanding the impact on our employees, especially during the pandemic,” TVA chief executive Jeffrey Lyash said in a statement issued after meeting with White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and White House counsel Pat Cipollone.

“We are taking immediate actions to address this situation. TVA fully understands and supports the Administration’s commitment to preserving and growing American jobs.”

Americans Refusing to Wear Masks are Engaging in a ‘Peaceful Protest’ – US President

Despite public shaming for his interpretation of novel coronavirus data – particularly regarding death – Trump has continued to push the narrative that the US is turning the corner on the pandemic. Echoing national COVID-19 data, one reporter asked Trump to explain how he can have a positive outlook as many Americans have been flouting the preventative measures – particularly the wearing of face masks.

Trump simply responded by repeatedly asserting that the orders were part of a “political activity.”

Those in the crowd booed the reporter who posed the question. The US has documented over 161,000 COVID-19-related deaths over the past several months, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.


“It’s also a peaceful protest,” he added, receiving reactionary laughs from the crowd. However, Trump did not laugh, or smile.


Trump’s claims of the US experiencing a rebound from COVID-19 comes alongside his administration’s push to reopen schools – which they say will save Americans from unemployment and boost the economy.


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