#1317 – MUST SEE: Victor Davis Hanson Delivers Passionate Defense of Trump, the American Worker and the Authentic America He Represents (VIDEO)

Author, columnist and professor Victor Davis Hanson joined Tucker Carlson on Thursday night following the vice presidential debate Thursday where VP Mike Pence mopped the floor with Democrat Kamala Harris.

VDH exposed the Democrat plan for the next four weeks — Democrats and Joe Biden will hide and not be straight with the American public. And they will rely on the liberal mainstream media and the tech giants to carry their water.

Trump must play to the American people.  Trump is the president of the people and must defeat they elites.

Victor Davis Hanson’s excitement tonight was contagious!

Victor Davis Hanson: So we know what they’re doing. They won’t talk. They won’t discuss… They’re going to stay in seclusion. Because they feel these polls are accurate and they’re going to run out the clock and not give any controversial statement… They’re going to outsource this to the media and the Pelosi Democrats… I’ll be frank Tucker, the moderators always have a modus operandi. They always have a gotcha question for Trump. Didn’t you say something about not accepting the election? Didn’t you say something at Charlottesville. And then to the other side we’re not going to ask you anything about “You ain’t black!” or you insulted an African American journalist and called him basically and cocaine junkie. Or why Kamala did you call Joe Biden a racist? And things like that.

So the question is what is Trump to do about this? There’s a 360 degree celebrities, and the academic world, and celebrities and the wealthy and elite of Silicon Valley and Wall Street. I think he has to emphasize that this election is on class it’s not on race! There’s 100 million people, muscular people who are out there every day taking a risk that they’re going to be infected. While they serve you at a store or they bring your DoorDash food to your curbside or they bring your oven when it blows up from Home Depot, or they’re trucking all night or they’re producing food or they’re farming. And yes they don’t always have the correct mask or they don’t social distance but they keeping going for whom? They Zoom and the Skype class! They’re in their basements telemarketing or teleworking or whatever they do and making a lot of money. And then they’re hectoring everybody that they’re politically incorrect or they’re racist, or they’re mask is an inch too small or they were one inch closer. And Trump has got to say, “I’m one with these people. I want to frack because that freezes from these Middle East quagmires. And gives your kids good wages or doesn’t send your kid to Afghanistan or Iraq. I want to get out of the Green Deal cuz I want you to have a job. I don’t want to have a lot of elites in the Bay Area to tell you how to live your life. So it’s gotta be a class argument. And I think he’s got to say, “I’m one with you and I don’t have any apologies for getting sick.” That’s what the president’s supposed to do. You’re supposed to take risks. Meet foreign leaders. Bring foreign leaders into the White House. Crisscross the country. And I’m even going to have a rally. And I might even get sick and take experimental drugs if I have to to get back on the job. I’m not going to stay in my basement and quarantine myself and isolate myself and pass judgments on others that you’re not willing to take the same risk. And I think that argument’s going to appeal to a lot of people.

What exceptional advice for President Trump.

Via Tucker Carlson Tonight:


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