#1616 – President Trump Responds to Never Trump Republican Liz Cheney for Her “Respect the Sanctity of Our Electoral Process” – With a Crushing Tweet

Liz Cheney again showed her true colors as she releases a statement urging the President to “Respect the Sanctity of Our Electoral Process”.

Again, Liz Cheney shows her utter ignorance and sides with the Democrats over President Trump.  Despite more corruption, voter fraud and election fraud reported in the 2020 to date than ever reported in history, Rep. Cheney believes the President should ‘respect the sanctity of our electoral process’.

This woman is simply outrageous.  This isn’t the first time Cheney showed her lack of vision and perception when speaking out against the President.  She simply doesn’t seem to care that her comments are hurtful to her President, her party and her nation.

The fact that Cheney somehow believes that the Democrats stealing millions of votes and rigging an election is fine is stunning.

Far Left Politico reported:

Liz Cheney on Saturday urged President Donald Trump to respect “the sanctity of our electoral process” if he cannot prove his voter fraud claims.

“America is governed by the rule of law,” the chair of the House Republican Conference said in a statement. “The President and his lawyers have made claims of criminality and widespread fraud, which they allege could impact election results. If they have genuine evidence of this, they are obligated to present it immediately in court and to the American people.”

The President tweeted out a comment to Ms. Cheney:



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