#1761 – Company hired to audit Georgia’s votes has extensive ties to Dominion

Image: Company hired to audit Georgia’s votes has extensive ties to Dominion

The so-called “audit” of votes that took place in Georgia at the direction of Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, was conducted by a company called Pro V&V that reports indicate is a close ally of Dominion Voting Systems.

Not only did Pro V&V provide technical conclusions to Dominion in a pre-election lawsuit questioning the reliability of Dominion’s voting machines, but the company also provided a last-minute, system-wide software change to Dominion just prior to the Nov. 3 election.

All throughout the process, in other words, Pro V&V has been providing cover for Dominion by rigging its systems while simultaneously claiming that there is “no sign of foul play” concerning the election.

Just like the Democrats are saying, Pro V&V says it “found no evidence” of election fraud, adding that all testing conducted prior to the election was “superficial” and no cause for concern.

“We are glad but not surprised that the audit of the state’s voting machines was an unqualified success,” announced Raffensperger proudly.

“Election security has been a top priority since day one of my administration. We have partnered with the Department of Homeland Security, the Georgia Cyber Center, Georgia Tech security experts, and a wide range of other election security experts around the state and country so Georgia voters can be confident that their vote is safe and secure.”

More of the latest news about the fraudulent 2020 election can be found at Trump.news.

Is Pro V&V still a legitimately accredited testing lab for elections?

Keep in mind that Raffensperger also refused to honor a request from Republicans that would have required the audit and recount to match signatures both on applications and envelopes. Had this been done, the result likely would have turned out differently.

Raffensperger did everything he could to prevent a legitimate audit and recount, in other words, including by failing to disclose the tight relationship between Pro V&V and Dominion that goes back many years.

Pro V&V is basically a partner of Dominion, which essentially means that Dominion conducted an audit and recount of its own machines. This is why we published a story explaining that the fox guarded the henhouse this election cycle.

According to the federal Election Assistance Commission (EAC) website, there are only two accredited testing labs for the entire country, and one of them is Pro V&V, a small, private company that operates out of a single office suite in Huntsville, Alabama. The other is SLI Compliance.

“There are seven voting system test laboratories (VSTL) listed on the EAC site, but five of these companies have notations showing their accreditations as expired,” writes Jeff Carson for The Epoch Times.

Interestingly, when one clicks on the link for Pro V&V’s accreditation certificate, it leads to a “page could not be found” warning. An older certificate is available; however, that one shows an expiration date of Feb. 24, 2017.

“It’s unclear if the company’s accreditation has expired or if the fault lies with the EAC website,” Carson adds.

We know from Raffensperger’s own admission that the post-election audit work conducted by Pro V&V was very limited, and only involved extracting “the software or firmware from the components to check that the only software or firmware on the components was certified for use by the Secretary of State’s office.”

After Dominion updated its “Democracy Suite” to Version 5.0, Pro V&V became the primary testing lab, with one exception: modification 5.5-A, which was tested by SLI in Pennsylvania. Modification 5.5-A would later be used by Georgia as well.

Attorney Sidney Powell is doing her part to help preserve fairness and honesty in American elections. You can help support her efforts by visiting her website.


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