Election 2020 Treason

Biden And Obama Crime Syndicate, Democrat Corruption, Democrat Sanctioned Terrorism, Democrats - The Enemy Within, Democrats - The Party of Communism & Marxism, Democrats - The Party of Destruction And Chaos, Democrats Promoting the Destruction Of America, Election 2020 Treason

#2069 – FALSE FLAG CONFIRMED: “Viking” who stormed the Capitol Building previously photographed at BLM rally wearing the same outfit

The storming of the US Capitol Building today is now being pounced upon by the left-wing media to demonize Trump

Biden And Obama Crime Syndicate, CCP - Cyber Pearl Harbor, Democrat Voter Fraud, Democrats - The Enemy Within, Democrats - The Party of Communism & Marxism, Democrats - The Party of Destruction And Chaos, Democrats Love To Destroy Lives (CCP In Action), Democrats Promoting the Destruction Of America, Election 2020 Treason

#1971 – Georgia State Senate Holds Meeting on 2020 Election 12/30/20

Wednesday, December 30 2020: Members of Georgia’s Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Elections and members of the Senate Judiciary committee will

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