Election Voter Fraud

Biden Crime Syndicate, Democrat Voter Fraud, Democrats - The Enemy Within, Democrats - The Party of Communism & Marxism, Democrats - The Party of Destruction And Chaos, Democrats Promoting the Destruction Of America, Election Voter Fraud

#1584 – WE CAUGHT THEM! Part 5: In Competitive States, Once Biden Gained the Lead with MASSIVE Vote Dumps, The Remainder of Votes All Possessed Same Biden to Trump Vote Ratio — THIS IS INCONCEIVABLE!

We’ve reported on multiple incidents of ‘glitches’ that people were observing related to the reporting of the 2020 Presidential Election.  […]

Biden Crime Syndicate, Corrupt MSM, Democrat Corruption, Democrats - The Enemy Within, Democrats - The Party of Communism & Marxism, Democrats - The Party of Destruction And Chaos, Democrats Promoting the Destruction Of America, Election 2020 Fraud by Democrats, Election Voter Fraud

#1536 – Read The Trump Campaign’s 105-Page Lawsuit In Pennsylvania

Read the Trump campaign’s lawsuit against Pennsylvania’s Secretary of State and several county election boards. The 105-page report, filed in

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