#2139 – Deaths, Serious Reactions After Covid Vaccines Are Far More Than Media is Reporting, Official Reports Show

According to VAERS reports submitted to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of people who have died after receiving the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines is over 600. From Dec. 14, 2020 through Jan. 29, 2021 over 500 died.

VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, a CDC program that collects information regarding adverse events that occur after a person receives a vaccine.

There were over 40,000 “events” of injuries reported in the first 30 days. By February 5, 2021, VAERS reports showed over 12,00011 people had at least one adverse reaction to either the Pfizer or Moderna coronavirus vaccine.

Most Americans do not realize that the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) has classified both vaccines as experimental and has only granted them emergency use authorizations, not full licenses.

Of the reported cases, over 4,400 were classified as “not serious,” but  resulted in hospitalizations. Over 600 were “life-threatening,” over 300 resulted in a permanent disability and over 600 died.

Some of the reported life-threatening events included over 200 cases of Bell’s palsy-type symptoms – including facial asymmetry – and at least 25 miscarriages.

Fifty-three percent of the thise who died were male, 43 percent were female and the remaining four percent of reported deaths did not include the gender of the deceased.

The average age of the fatalities was 77 and the youngest reported death was from a 23-year-old.

The Pfizer vaccine accounted for 59 percent of the reported deaths while the remaining 41 percent of people who died took the Moderna vaccine.

The states where the most deaths came from are California, Ohio, and New York. Including Kentucky and Florida, these five states accounted for almost 1/3rd of all the reported coronavirus vaccine fatalities.

While the VAERS database has recorded 600 deaths, according to the Department of Health and Human Services the actual number of people who have experienced adverse events due to taking the coronavirus vaccines is likely significantly higher.

VAERS is a “passive surveillance system,” that relies on people to submit reports to their database.

“It’s not that reliable of a system,” said retired RN, Loralyn Dennis, who has over 15 years of vaccine experience. “Healthcare providers are hesitant to report to VAERS because it could place them in bad light with Big Pharma. Many times parents or patients will call their providers to report problems and expect them to turn it in to VAERS. Most reliable sources indicate all that is sent in is maybe 5% of the total.”

One news outlet, Waking Times also noted that historically, less than one percent of adverse events were reported to VAERS.

[MWN]  COVID-19 is a biological warfare weapon designed exclusively for population genocide.  Reports are showing those who get the vax will lose normal body immunity functions.


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