#2500 – Gen. Smith Takes Command, Vows to Eliminate Traitors

General Eric M. Smith, who took control of the White Hat partition of the U.S. military effective New Year’s Day, did not equivocate when he wrote “there are rats on the ship” in correspondence sent to White Hat commanders across all branches of the armed forces. Among his top priorities, he said, would be determining which officers adhered to the Constitution and which officers were secretly loyal to the criminal Biden regime.

A source familiar with the general’s concerns told Real Raw News that Gen. Smith spent the last week reviewing the service jackets and social media of 500 officers, giving extra scrutiny to those in key positions or in command of a substantial number of troops, and found several “ideological inconsistencies.” Examples included White Hats who had sworn to uphold the Constitution but whose social media posts applauded Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris’ “accomplishments.” An Air Force O-4 had filed a disciplinary report on an airman, writing, “Airman [name and rank redacted] has been reprimanded for sharing untruthful Covid-19 vaccine information in a public forum. We have corrected and told him the Centers for Disease Control is the sole authority in judging the safety and efficacy of vaccines.”

Gen. Smith, our source said, uncovered “dozens” of glaring contradictions.

“General Smith wants to cut traitors, but at the same time he’s being cautious, because he accepts the possibility that White Hats could’ve filed false reports to fool the Deep State. Optics, they call it. Still, he will test the loyalty of potential traitors,” our source said.

Beginning next week, Gen. Smith will ask officers to take a polygraph, although failure will not automatically be used as a litmus test to stigmatize potential traitors—polygraphs are, after all, fallible. Most competent examiners agree tests are between 80% to 90% accurate, leaving a significant margin of error. Nonetheless, Gen. Smith believes polygraphs will compliment a framework of assessments aimed at ferreting out Deep State moles.

“If an officer hesitates at the polygraph or refuses to take it without a damn good explanation, that’ll put them under the microscope. The way the general sees it, a person can fail for any number of reasons, especially if they’re guilty, so refusing to take it is as bad as or worse than failing it. This isn’t a witch hunt, it’s about securing our ranks,” our source said.

General Smith, he added, will ultimately personally interview each officer under his command.

We asked our source why General Smith, if he suspects traitors in his midst, tipped his hand by disseminating his notions in emails to, potentially, the very officers he hopes to eradicate, as preemptive notification might give Deep State spies time to cover their tracks.

“General Smith has his own playbook,” our source said.

In closing, he said Gen. Smith will not fault Gen. Berger if Deep Staters are unearthed.

“General Berger had a linear way of thinking. There is us and there is the Deep State. He saw extrinsic threats, but didn’t spend too much time looking within. General Smith is taking in the broader picture,” he said.

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