#2270 – Military Defies Biden Regime, Refuses to Deploy

The criminal Biden regime on 2 February announced it had deployed 2,000 soldiers from the 82nd Airborne Division to Western Europe in response to Russian troops massing near the Ukrainian border. It posted to social media photographs of what appeared to be a company of battle-ready soldiers standing at attention while awaiting orders to board a military transport plane. But the photos are disingenuous, created entirely from Photoshop, Just like Obama’s birth certificate, a high-ranking military source told Real Raw News.

A week earlier, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, a Deep State asset, ordered Maj. Gen. Christopher Donahue, 82nd Airborne Division Commanding General, to ready his men for immediate deployment to Germany, to support NATO and United Nations peacekeeping operations under threat of Russian aggression. Paraphrasing a line spoken by Gene Hackman in Crimson Tide, Austin said, “There’s trouble in Russia, so we’re calling you, and you’re bringing with you the most lethal killing machine ever devised: The 82nd Airborne.”

Austin’s flippant attitude befuddled Maj. Gen. Donahue, our source said.

“Maj. Gen. Donahue told Austin his job is to protect America against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and that he didn’t recognize Biden as the President of the United States.”

Fort Bragg, home to the 82nd Airborne and part of the U.S. Special Operations community, is among the U.S. military installations currently controlled by “White Hats,” he added. It houses 54,000 military personnel and is one of the largest military bases in the world. Bragg’s senior leaders, including commanders of the XVII Airborne Corps, 1st Special Forces Command, and 75th Ranger Regiment, have denounced Biden and instead sworn to defend the U.S. Constitution.

“They’re not taking orders from an administration living in a soundstage dressed like the White House,” our source said. “The criminals posing as leaders would take a huge morale hit if the public found out what’s really going on, so they’re photoshopping old pictures and making CGI videos, you know, to give the appearance of authority. Make no mistake, we’ll defend our nation to the death, but we’ll not obey puppet leaders.”

Now, Biden’s at it again, today announcing plans to send an added 7,000 troops to Germany, a move that would significantly heighten the specter of a global conflict.  Our source, however, said commanding officers at Ft. Bragg, Ft. Campbell, and Joint Base Lewis-McChord had received no orders. Likewise, Marine Corps Camps Pendleton and Lejeune have gotten no mobilization demands.

“Maybe the administration has caught on those illegal orders are falling on deaf ears. I don’t know what units he plans to send, maybe some desk jockeys in the Chair Force, or just empty planes. There’s a huge charade going on right now,” our source said.

In closing, we asked our source to quantify the percentage of the nation’s active duty and reservists that identify as “White Hats.”

“Active and reserves? I can’t speak to the disposition of 2,000,000 troops, but I can tell you this, it’s the majority of soldiers who actually know how to fight,” he answered elusively.


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