#2343 – Military Arrests Michael Sussmann

The U.S. military on Sunday arrested former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann on charges of treason, only a week after a Washington, DC, federal jury found him “not guilty” of lying to the FBI about President Donald J. Trump and Russia.

Sussmann’s federal case centered around his 2016 meeting with James Baker, a pal of the FBI’s special counsel, with whom Sussmann shared unfounded rumors and specious lies meant to derail Trump’s bid for the presidency. Sussmann was charged and faced trial, but was exonerated of criminal maleficence following six hours of jury deliberation.

“The trial was a sham from the start. We knew they’d never convict one of their own, but we waited to see the result,” a JAG source told Real Raw News.

White Hats, he said, had long monitored Sussmann’s activities and determined during a military investigation that Sussmann had received $1,400,000 in undeclared income two days prior to meeting Baker. The payout came from Act Blue, a shady American nonprofit technology organization established in June 2004 that enables left-leaning nonprofits, Democratic candidates, and progressive groups to raise money from individual donors on the Internet by providing them with online fundraising software. Act Blue’s former board members include many Deep Staters, including the late William Jefferson Clinton, who was a silent, secret partner in the organization.

The U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps alleges Sussmann took bribes in exchange for fabricating stories about Trump, the Trump Organization, and Russia—all of which involved the now debunked “Russian collusion” scandal.

Moreover, JAG’s extensive background check on the jurors revealed that three had donated sizable amounts of cash to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. One had been a close friend of the Clintons, having often vacationed with them on Martha’s Vineyard.

“The trial was clearly biased in Sussmann’s favor. The jurors should never have been seated. That they were proves the case against Sussman wasn’t taken seriously. When they let him off the hook, we acted,” our source said.

That action included a U.S. Special Forces incursion on a Rhode Island beachfront rental Sussmann had leased under an assumed name. Sussman went into hiding, our source said, because he claimed without evidence that ‘angry MAGA’ were making death threats against him and his family.

At 3:00 a.m. Sunday morning an unknown number of Special Forces operatives stealthily approached the residence from the beachfront side of the property, where they reportedly encountered three bodyguards armed with semi-automatic rifles. Our source said Special Forces surprised and subdued Sussmann’s security, and coaxed from them keys to the house and codes to the alarm system.

They found Sussmann asleep in bed, but he awoke and struggled as a soldier tried to bind him with zip ties.

“You can’t do this to me. I was acquitted by a jury of my peers. I’m a lawyer,” Sussmann reportedly blurted while flailing his legs at the soldier.

The soldier struck Sussmann on the temple with the butt of his rifle, knocking him unconscious.

“He won’t be able to bribe the next jury he faces,” our source said.

Asked how JAG will prove charges of treason in what clearly is a case of bribery or extortion, our source said, “The Insurrection Act expands the definition of treason, especially in matters of interfering with a presidential election.”

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