#2502 – JAG Arrests Former Surgeon General Jerome Adams

U.S. Navy JAG investigators on Tuesday picked up yet another former government official who allegedly profited from a fictitious narrative pitched to President Donald J. Trump at the onset of the Covid-19 plandemic. Former Surgeon General Jerome Adams, who served under Trump between 2017-2021, was taken into custody on the charge of treason near his home in Mechanicsville, Maryland, and told he would face a military tribunal for crimes committed against the nation and its citizenry.

Adams seemed an unlikely target: in early 2020, he admitted Covid-19 was less lethal than common influenza and implored people to eschew face masks because they were ineffective at mitigating the spread of a benign virus. Moreover, he truthfully said the wearing of masks would weaken the human immune system, leaving society susceptible to illnesses like the common cold, and open to acquiring potentially lethal staph infections by wearing germ-ridden, filthy masks. Lockdowns, he initially said, would end up killing more people than they saved.

So-called conservative media glommed onto Adams’ statements, heralding him as a “truther,” one of few public servants willing to dispute big-pharma and big-medicine’s fictious narrative. At the time, Adams’s social media feeds were inundated with both praise and hatred—Leftists accused him of flouting “the science,” and conservatives championed his strength of character in defying the Deep State’s push for a “new normal.”

Months later, however, Adams recanted his earlier statements, saying new data proved the asymmetrical spread of Covid-19 was killing hundreds of thousands of people across the globe. In short, he fell in line with Doctors Fauci and Birx, and conservative media, including Fox News, not once reported to their viewers that Adams had switched sides. Nor did they report that Adams had been Michael Pence’s Indiana Health Commissioner while Pence governed the Hoosier State from 2014-2017.

JAG sources on Monday told Real Raw News that Pence and Adams’ dealings transcended a mere working relationship. Pence was more than Adams’ boss; he was his good friend. A good friend with whom Pence had homosexual relations.

JAG said that although Pence and Adams have wives and children, they were closet lovers who conspired to sell President Donald J. Trump on the idea that Operation Warp Speed would spare tens of millions of citizens from a fate worse than death.

“It isn’t the first time homosexual or bisexual men hid their sexual tendencies behind a farcical marriage,” our source said. “We have photographic proof they’re long-time lovers, and proof Pence promised Adams quite a bit of cash to be duplicitous of the nature of Covid-19.”

JAG claims to have emails Pence sent to Adams in early 2020.

“Hello, handsome, you’ve done great, but now it’s time to move the timeline. I’ve talked to Fauci, Birx, and Collins, and they’re onboard,” Pence wrote in a May 1 email to Adams—14 days before Trump publicly announced that Warp Speed would expedite the production and approval of Covid vaccines “like nothing this country has ever seen.”

“Adams worked both sides of the fence. He was a good actor. We have proof he was financially compensated for his participation in Covid crimes, and he betrayed Trump. We had more than enough proof to arrest him,” our source said.



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