#2676 – Army CID Arrests “Black Hat” Army Recruiter

Investigators from the Army’s Criminal Investigation Division (CID) have found and arrested a former Army Staff Sargent (E-6) who bribed future enlistees to take part in the Deep State’s war against President Donald J. Trump and his supporters, sources in Gen. Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

As reported last week, a few of the 165 Fort Drum soldiers in White Hat Custody revealed to investigators that military recruiters visiting High Schools had singled out students who disliked Trump and promised them $5,000 a month plus base pay to enlist and await further orders. Those accepting the offer were eventually assigned to companies and platoons loyal to Lloyd Austin and the criminal Biden regime.

Our source said White Hats pulled and reviewed the soldiers’ personnel files.

“Someone with much authority redacted, blacked out, recruitment details on 145 files, the recruitment stations, the station commanders, and the recruiters’ names. Only a bigwig at the DOD could do that, and it has complicated our job because only four of these guys are talking. Three remembered their recruiters’ names, and two were recruited by the same sergeant at the same high school the same year,” our source said.

Former SSG Jayden Carter enlisted in the Army following his senior year at Central High School in Philadelphia; he graduated in the bottom 10% of all graduating students that year. His SAT score was abysmally below average. He passed the armed forces placement exam by only 4 points, scoring 35 out of 100, limiting his military career options. He attended infantrymen (11 Bravo) Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training at Fort Benning in 2016, after which he was assigned to the 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum, where he excelled and apparently pleased his chain of command. In 2020, as his contract neared fulfillment, his commanding officer encouraged reenlistment, promising Carter a letter of recommendation to the Army’s Basic Leadership Course. Carter accepted the offer and completed the course with excellence, where-after he returned to Fort Drum and was quickly promoted to sergeant.

Six months later, he requested to attend the Army Drill Sergeant School at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. Again, he surpassed expectations as would a college valedictorian and completed the 65-day course. He then returned to the place of his military genesis, Fort Benning, instructing future 11 Bravos how to fight and, hopefully, stay alive on the modern battlefield.

In January 2022, Carter received orders reassigning him to the Army Recruiter Course at Ft. Knox. Upon graduating, his MOS changed from 11 Bravo to 79 Romeo (Army recruiter), and he was placed at a recruitment station in his hometown of Philadelphia, at which point he, defying all odds, metrics, and requirements, was promoted to the rank of Staff Sargent ahead of others who had more time-in-grade.

In April of that year, Carter visited his old high school and–as is described in a previous article–convincingly persuaded at least two students—now PFC Malik Johnson and PFC Jamar Davis—to enlist with an understanding that they might be called to action to defend Joseph Biden from his enemies, fellow soldiers and civilians who still endorsed Donald Trump.

For reasons unknown, Carter in June 2023 requested and received an early discharge, approved by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. Although such requests are commonly denied sans extenuating circumstances, 10 USC 1171 states that any regular enlisted member of an armed force may be discharged within one year before the expiration of the term of his enlistment or extended enlistment. Carter did not meet the established criteria.

When Army CID decided to arrest Carter on charges of treason, aiding and abetting the enemy, bribery, insubordination, and treason, they encountered an obstacle because Carter’s separation paperwork had no forwarding address. Interviews with family and acquaintances led investigators to believe that Carter had magically become wealthy and was living a lavish lifestyle in the Virgin Islands. Carter, it turned out, had bought a $850,000 beachfront home in St. Thomas, where he cruised the tropical nirvana in a $140,000 Audi R8 sports coupe. While Carter’s impoverished siblings and mother lived in destitution in Philadelphia, he squandered fistfuls of cash at pricey bars, brothels, and strip clubs. His wanton spending and chronic inebriation put a bullseye on his back, simplifying the task of arresting Carter after he drunkenly stumbled out of a beach-side bar Wednesday night.

“From what our friends at CID told us, Carter could barely stand. They read him the charges even though he was probably too damn drunk to understand and took him in. They flew him stateside. Once he sobered up, he flipped out seeing himself in handcuffs on a flight back to the U.S. As far as we know, he isn’t talking. What we do know is he must’ve done a hell of a lot more than recruiting two Black Hats to get that kind of cash. CID will handle the first interrogations, then he’ll go to Camp Blaz. One sure thing is that the Army doesn’t just swap out someone’s MOS. He must’ve asked for it and someone out there was pulling some strings. He was a stellar soldier until he turned. What a shame,” our source said.

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