#2712 – JAG Schedules Detainee Mark Milley’s Tribunal

Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark A. Milley has promised JAG investigators at Guantanamo Bay “an epic payback” unless he is set free and Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall surrenders to the proper authority, either his replacement, Woke General Charles Q. Brown, or Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, JAG sources told Real Raw News.

As reported previously, Milley was arrested last month on treason charges and brought to GITMO to await a military tribunal. In custody he spun an incredulous yarn—telling investigators his arrest was unlawful because he and Trump were secretly working together to expose Deep Staters in the U.S. Armed Forces, among them General Smith, 5th Special Forces Group commander Col. Brent Lindemen, and Adm. Crandall, according to Milley.

Our source said that Trump on September 29 contested Milley’s claims, saying instead that Milley embodied the Deep State’s evils and was “an embarrassment and the worst general the country has ever seen.”

“This guy is playing games or off his rocker,” Trump said on a call with Adm. Crandall. “Why the hell would he say he’s working for me knowing I’d deny it? Don’t let this guy play crazy.”

The admiral assured Trump that JAG’s case against Milley was ironclad, bulletproof.

When investigators informed him of Trump’s statement, Milley said, “Of course he’s denying it. That’s part of the operation. He can’t implicate himself.”

Several days of confinement, however, seemed to shatter Milley’s facade. On Monday he amended his story, swearing at investigators and damning President Trump for “tricking dishonorable officers to follow him.” His persistent castigation of JAG and Trump, whom he called “enemies of the United States,” went on for several hours, ending only after investigators realized the futility of interrogating someone so entrenched in the Deep State.

“Save yourselves by releasing me. Tell your admiral to give up. It’s your only hope,” Milley told them.

Milley’s tribunal, our source said, is scheduled to begin October 10.

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