#2385 – White Hats to Trump: Don’t Negotiate with Deep State

A senior White Hat commander in Gen. David H. Berger’s office on Monday cautioned President Trump against negotiating or opening cordial communication with the Deep State, White Hat sources told Real Raw News.

The White Hat partition of the U.S. military, our source said, contacted Trump in response to a Fox News Digital and New York Times article claiming that Trump had—through a third party—secretly sent a cryptic message to the criminal Biden Regime’s attorney general, Merrick Garland, the very man who had signed off on the FBI’s unlawful Mar-a-Lago raid. “The country is on fire. What can I do to reduce the heat?” was the message Trump wanted to be conveyed to Garland, according to the article.

At the time of this writing, President Trump has not publicly confirmed authenticity of the alleged message, but his silence hasn’t stopped pundits on both sides of the political spectrum from assigning meaning to it. The liberal democrat establishment seemed torn over whether Trump’s purported words were a veiled threat or a confession of guilt; whereas republican lawmakers couldn’t decide whether the message was authentic or a refutation of the militarization of the Department of Justice.

White Hats, our source said, were not willing to wait for Trump’s side of the story, and on Monday asked him directly whether he had offered an olive branch to Garland and the illegitimate administration’s DOJ.

Camp Pendleton’s Commanding General, Brigadier General Jason G. Woodworth, spoke to Trump on behalf of Gen. Berger, our source said. Gen. Woodworth asked Trump if he had used an intermediary to get a message to Garland, and, if so, wanted to know whether it was meant to placate or pacify Garland, or if it carried an ulterior motive.

“Mr. President, if indeed you did send a message, Gen. Berger feels it is best if you avoid communication with the enemy,” Gen. Woodworth reportedly told Trump.

Trump, our source said, would neither confirm nor deny whether he had himself or through an arbiter contacted the justice department, saying instead that he was not obliged to explain his actions or inactions to Gen. Berger, and that his responsibility was to safeguard the Constitution “by any means necessary.”

Trump seemed to put Gen. Woodworth in his place: “You have your job; I have mine. I very strongly suggest we stick to our roles and not cross boundaries.”

“It’s part of my job, Mr. President, to say the Deep State will twist your words to use against you, and to advise you to refrain from communicating with them. Right now, your supporters are galvanizing behind you. Any talks with the administration, well, might compromise that,” Gen. Woodworth replied.

As RRN has reported previously, not all White Hat leaders endorse Trump’s official return to power. Some feel Trump has made too many mistakes, mistakes that could strengthen the Deep State’s hold on the nation. General Berger, though, has steadfastly stood behind his president.

Update: After RRN wrote this piece, Fox News published an article saying that Trump had confirmed rumors he had been in contact with the DOJ. According to FOX’s latest piece, Trump told Garland “If there is anything we can do to help, I, and my people, would certainly be willing to do that.”

[MWN: So President Trump activates the insurrection act, puts the military in control of our government, then goes behind their backs to make deals?  What is missing here?  What happened to WWG1WGA, the inspiring “Come Back” videos, the “You’re gonna like it” narrative?  The problem (DOJ) just needs to be dealt with like the other traitors have been dealt with.  The Deep State tentacles appear to be very tenacious!!!]
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