#0559 – Confirmed: Top Democrat Impeachment Witness Lied Repeatedly Under Oath, Ambassador Yovanovitch Caught Lying on Burisma, LOCK HER UP (Video)

Fired anti-Trump Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch spoke in front of the Schiff impeachment show trial in November.

Yovanovitch was fired before President Trump’s call with Ukrainian President Zelensky but she performed well in her basement star chamber audition so she made it to the main stage in November.

During her opening statement under oath before Congress Yovanovitch said the Obama administration never raised the issue of Burisma or Hunter Biden with her.

But then during her testimony Yovanovitch admitted that during her confirmation hearing she was warned about Hunter Biden and Burisma.

Then President Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani revealed in December that there is documents showing Schiff’s star witness, fired US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch perjured herself at least twice during her impeachment testimony.

Documents prove Yovanovitch was personally involved in the Ukrainian prosecutor general’s investigations and denied visas to witnesses who could prove Biden, Dem corruption, Giuliani said.

And now there is more information that former Ambassador Yovanovitch lied under oath about Burisma Holdings and Hunter Biden.

New documents show Ambassador Yovanovitch perjured herself in her impeachment testimony. The fired ambassador left out mention of Burisma meetings, numerous letters on Burisma. Fox News contributor John Solomon and Rep. Lee Zeldin joined Laura Ingraham for the discussion.

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