#0767 – NYC Mayor De Blasio Defends Ban on Religious Gatherings, Says Black Lives Matter Protests OK Because of ‘Profound Meaning’ (VIDEO)

Christians and Jews are being openly persecuted against in the United States while Black Lives Matter militants are given special treatment.

There is zero equality under the law.

This is pure Marxism.

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio on Wednesday defended his decision to ban religious gatherings while allowing Black Lives Matter militants and Antifa domestic terrorists to raise hell in the streets.

“The protests were an entirely different reality, a national phenomenon, that was not something that the government could just say ‘go away’ — it’s something that came from the grassroots… [they] obviously had profound meaning…” said De Blasio.

“It’s really apples and oranges,” he added.

Got that? Only one group of approved people have 1st Amendment rights in de Blasio’s New York.




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