#0806 – College Democrats, Satanists and Witches Team Up to Shut Down Young Conservatives of Texas Chapter

The University of North Texas College Democrats are allying with satanists and witches to try and shut down the school’s Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) chapter.

The UNT College Democrats teamed up with the GLAAD Alliance and MUEVE, a liberal “latinx” org, on a petition to remove the conservative organization from campus. The anti-free speech crusade, which has already gathered over 2,500 signatures, lead to the chapter’s chairman Kelly Neidert receiving a wide array of hate messages and threats.

“We are currently out of school right now, but we have still been active on Twitter.  Out of the blue this past week, our College Democrats, GLAAD Alliance, and MUEVE decided to make a petition to disband our organization.  It received over 2,400 signatures, and our President decided to tweet that he was ‘looking into us,’” Neidert told the Gateway Pundit. “However, we haven’t done anything to break school policy and we have the First Amendment obviously, so we never got a formal notice from the university.”

In the strangest turn of this story, a large portion of the threats came from self-proclaimed “witches” and satanists.

A student named Anna Grace Eckert messaged Neidert saying that she was hexing her, along with a photo, and that “last time I hexed you, you got sexually harassed, which I didn’t mean to happen.”

Eckert also bragged about the hex on social media.

“After that, a student decided to message me and say that she put a ‘hex’ on me, and stated that this wasn’t the first time that she had done so.  She tweeted at me and managed to draw more of these so-called ‘witches’ in, and they began tweeting tarot cards at me that had weird goats, skeletons, and the word ‘death’ on them,” Neidert continued. “More of these people showed up on our Facebook page as well, stating we should watch our backs and that they were ‘hexing’ me.  There were also people tweeting ‘Hail S*tan’ at us, and our College Democrats liked one of those messages.”

On July 12, the UNT College Democrats liked a tweet at YCT UNT saying “hail satan” from an account that is constantly posting satanic messages.

Neidert said that beyond liking the “hail satan” post, the College Democrats also refused to disavow any of the occult threats and satanic messages.

The Washington Free Beacon reached out to the College Democrats and reported that “a spokesman for UNT’s College Democrats said the liberal student group condemned the harassment of Neidert but had no comment on the ‘hex.’ The group stands by the petition.”

Neidert told the Gateway Pundit that the university has not bothered reaching out to her despite the severe threats she has been subjected to, of both violent and occult varieties.


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