#1012 – Corrupt FBI Attorney Kevin Clinesmith Expected to Plead Guilty for Falsifying Key Evidence in Spygate Scandal

Former FBI Attorney Kevin Clinesmith is expected to plead guilty to altering Carter Page evidence to support the FISA warrant used to spy on the Donald Trump campaign in 2016.

Via Techno_Fog:


TGP’s Cristina Laila predicted this developmentearlier this week.

More from The Daily Beast:

Kevin Clinesmith, a 38-year-old lawyer assigned to the FBI probe into foreign election interference, is expected to plead guilty to altering an email from the CIA that investigators used to seek a wiretap on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page in 2017. Investigators relied on that document to seek extended court permission for the secret wiretap on Page, who had previously provided information to the U.S. spy agency.

The anticipated guilty plea is part of U.S. Attorney John Durham’s investigation of the original 2016 probe. The lookback at the previous probe has been orchestrated by Attorney General William Barr, with plenty of prodding from Trump.

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