#1260 – It Won’t Be the First Time… Radio Host Todd Starnes: Word on the Street Is That Joe Biden Was Given Tonight’s Debate Questions Early

According to radio host Todd Starnes Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden was given tonight’s debate questions in advance.

Todd Starnes tweeted this out earlier today.


It wouldn’t be the first time.

Wikileaks: DNC Chair Donna Brazile Reveals She Gave Several Debate Questions to Hillary Campaign

Thanks to Wikileaks we now know current DNC Chair Donna Brazile admitted to releasing additional debate questions to the Hillary Clinton campaign. Brazile sent several questions to the Clinton campaign early: “I’ll send a few more.” Brazile also warned the Clinton campaign about a question from a Flint woman on lead poisoning: Via MicroSpookyLeaks: #PodestaEmails24: … Continue reading

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