#2509 – General Berger MIA

USMC General David H. Berger, who relinquished command of the White Hat partition of the U.S. military on 1 January, has gone missing and hasn’t been seen since January 6, sources in Gen. Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Before stepping down, Gen. Berger said he would remain for the near future at Camp Pendleton as an advisor, which made sense because he had spent the last few years planning counterinsurgency operations against Deep State operatives and was familiar with servicemembers under his command. He had said, however, that he had grown weary of the fight, and handpicked Smith to carry the torch.

Sources told RRN that Gen. Berger left Camp Pendleton in a personal vehicle at 6:30 p.m. on January 6. Unlike some military installations, Camp Pendleton is a closed base; only credentialed persons stationed there or visitors on official business can pass through its eight access points, which are manned 24/7 by Marine guards who log the entry and exit times of high-ranking personnel. There is no record of him returning to Camp Pendleton following his 6:30 p.m. departure.

“This is highly unusual. General Berger normally lets staff know if he plans to be gone more than a day. He has a predilection for accuracy. For example: If he says he’ll be back the next day at 0900 Hours, you can bet he will be. I can’t remember even once he vanished this long without letting someone here, or his family, know where he’d be,” our source said.

He added that staff had contacted the general’s immediate family, but they, too, had no knowledge of his current whereabouts. They were asked to keep his disappearance under wraps while White Hats carry out an investigation.

“On the 8th we contacted local hospitals. Maybe he’d had a crash. But nothing. He didn’t tell anyone where he was going, and he sure as hell doesn’t have to. Some Marines formed search parties and went out looking for him in nearby areas. No luck,” our source said.

Asked whether staff had the ability to triangulate his location by reading pings off cell towers, he said, “I don’t want to get into what we can or cannot do, but we take steps to prevent cellphone triangulation ‘cause we don’t want the Deep State doing to us what we do to them. Same for GPS built into modern vehicles—we shut that shit down so they can’t track our movements.”

Although White Hats have no proof of foul play, all possibilities are on the table. An abduction could compromise White Hat operations, our source said.

“General Berger has been trained to resist interrogation, including torture, but it’s impossible to guess how anyone would respond to mind-altering drugs. The general’s mind is a vault of secrets,” he said in closing.

[MWN: Please Pray for General Berger]

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