A contract truck driver working for the United States Postal Service came forward on Tuesday, Dec. 1, to admit that he was responsible for delivering hundreds of thousands of completed ballots across state lines.
The new information was made public on Tuesday afternoon at Arlington, Virginia, by the Amistad Project of the conservative law firm the Thomas More Society. This truck driver came forward – along with several other whistleblowers – and detailed illegal behavior done by election officials with the help of postal service employees.
Phillip Kline, former Attorney General of Kansas, director of the Amistad Project and currently a professor of law, released a statement on the morning of the press conference announcing the new information.
We have three whistleblowers who will reveal substantial evidence of unlawful actions made by election officials; and widespread illegal efforts by USPS workers to influence the outcome of the election.
2PM EST TODAY pic.twitter.com/VWUD593a1v
— Phillip Kline (@PhillDKline) December 1, 2020
“Three whistleblowers will provide personal eyewitness accounts demonstrating potential election fraud, some of which affects hundreds of thousands of ballots,” said Kline. “Their affidavits are being used as evidence in litigation to ensure election integrity and the upholding of election laws in battleground states including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.” (Related: Fraud rewarded is fraud repeated: GA Secretary of State Raffensperger approves extended mail-in voting, ballot harvesting and drop boxes – Assures Democrats steal in Georgia runoffs.)
The Amistad Project asserts that they have obtained sworn testimony showing that over 548,000 ballots are at issue in Michigan, 300,000 in Arizona, 204,000 in Georgia and over 121,000 in Pennsylvania.
Listen to this special Situation Update episode of the Health Ranger Report, a podcast by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, as he talks about how the American people must band together to oust the rogue government that is preparing to take over the nation.
Postal Service subcontractor delivered hundreds of thousands of ballots
Jesse Morgan worked as a contract truck driver for the postal service. He was present at the press conference and spoke for around nine minutes regarding his experience with the government agency, and how, on Oct. 21, he transported hundreds of thousands of completed ballots from New York to Pennsylvania.
“In total, I saw 24 gaylords, or large cardboard containers of ballots, loaded into my trailer. These gaylords contained plastic trays, I call them totes or trays of ballots stacked on top of each other. All the envelopes were the same size. I saw the envelopes had return addresses… They were complete ballots.”
Morgan was told to deliver the ballots to Lancaster, Pennsylvania and after dropping them off he was to proceed to his final destination at the state capital of Harrisburg. He found this unusual but thought nothing of it at the time. He dropped off the trailer, filled with boxes of ballots. Later, when he went back for the trailer, it was gone.
He then sat outside of his final stop in Harrisburg for several hours before he was finally allowed to leave. However, after he was dismissed, his supervisor refused to give him a slip so he could get paid, including for overtime.
Morgan noted that the other Postal Service personnel in the area exhibited “odd behavior” that he found to be contrary to “normal procedure.”
Via @PhillDKline@OANN pic.twitter.com/bfPFxjoAoM
— Jack Posobiec ?? (@JackPosobiec) December 1, 2020
According to Kline, Morgan transported between 130,000 to 280,000 completed ballots. They were shipped out from Bethpage in Long Island to Lancaster, where the ballots disappeared shortly after the completion of Morgan’s delivery.
Kline further asserted that many other Postal Service workers participated in “illegal efforts” to change the outcome of the election.
Kline said that his investigative team will be sharing their information with law enforcement, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, local prosecutors and U.S. attorneys who were made aware of their findings.
Kline’s press conference received very little media attention, despite the fact that his Amistad Project has filed several lawsuits in multiple battleground states in recent weeks, including in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan.
By contrast, Attorney General William Barr and his Justice Department’s statement that they have not seen fraud “on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election” was widely shared by mainstream media outlets, social media and by high-ranking members of the Democratic Party.
President Donald Trump’s legal team countered Barr’s statement by saying that they haven’t actually bothered investigating any of the evidence that has been presented in battleground states. Trump is continuing to challenge the election results in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia, where the prevalence of absentee and mail-in voting allowed Democratic nominee Joe Biden to overtake Trump and claim victory.
If Kline’s findings are accepted by the courts, the official results can be called into serious question. In Pennsylvania, Biden supposedly won by only 81,000 votes.
Learn more about how the Trump campaign, with the help of conservative legal groups like the Amistad Project, are continuing their investigations into alleged instances of voter fraud in battleground states like Pennsylvania by reading the latest articles at VoteFraud.news.
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