#1744 – DOJ Notified of a Pakistani Link to Nevada’s Election Email System

A voter rights group was stunned to discover that a Pakistani tech company was privileged to the voter registration information for every voter in the State of Nevada.

Ballots, Osama bin Laden

If worrying about Chinese, Russian, and Iranian interference in the 2020 General Election here in the United States wasn’t enough, now a US voter rights group has discovered that a Pakistani tech company has connections to the Nevada Secretary of State’s Office.

True the Vote, an American voter rights group, reported to the US Department of Justice on December 3, 2020, that a link exists between the State of Nevada’s election email system and a Pakistani company named Kavtech Solutions Ltd.

Kavtech Solutions Ltd is alleged to have ties to Pakistani military and intelligence entities. This could not be confirmed by National File.

In 2011, September 11th plot mastermind Osama bin Laden was found hiding in Abbottabad, Pakistan, not far from Pakistan’s elite military academy. US intelligence confirmed at the time that the Pakistani government was aware of bin Laden’s location and had known for a period of time.


Catherine Engelbrecht, the president of True the Vote, said her organization requested the Nevada voter file from the Secretary of State after the November 3, 2020, election. The Secretary of State’s office responded with a voter file in an email, but the message was copied to waqas@kavtech.net, which is the email for Waqas Butt, the CEO of Kavtech Solutions Ltd.

In a letter to Assistant Attorney General for National Security John Demers, Engelbrecht wrote that she and her colleagues at True the Vote were stunned to discover the the inclusion of Kavtech Solutions Ltd. in the carbon copy field of the email.

“The fact that this company was cc’d on an email containing access to the Nevada voter registration database appears to be evidence of a breach within the Nevada Secretary of State’s email system,” Engelbrecht wrote.

“Obviously, the problems that such a breach may evidence include access to at least the voter registration information of Nevada residents. At worst it could reveal a breach that gives a foreign power access to not only the State of Nevada’s systems, but also to the email systems of anyone whom the State communicates with via email.”

Engelbrecht’s organization received the email in question on November 29, 2020.

Kavtech Solutions Ltd. is based in Lahore, Pakistan.


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