#1986 – AMAZING! Steve Bannon’s “Fight For Trump!” Speech from Early November Will Give You Chills!

Former Trump chief strategist Steve Bannon released a powerful video on Wednesday night – “Fight for Trump!”

The video includes footage from the D-Day invasion of Normandy mixed with Steve Bannon’s epic War Room speech on saving America from November 5th as Democrats were still in backrooms manufacturing votes for Joe Biden.

Steve’s words ring true today.  Our forefathers understood sacrifice.  They understood righteousness, honesty and integrity.

America is at a crossroads — Will the people choose freedom and the right to free and fair elections?
Or will this be the end of the American dream for future generations?

TRENDING: President Trump Abruptly Cuts Florida Vacation Short to Return to Washington

We will know soon enough.

Read more at www.TheDonald.win


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