#0390 – 5000-year Record High In Gold Silver Ratio Forecasting Worst Financial Crisis Ahead

Silver Bullion Singapore

By SilverBullionSG

SBTV welcomes back David Morgan, Silver Guru and publisher of The Morgan Report, as we discuss how the record high in the gold silver ratio is no coincidence. Rather, it is forecasting the worst financial crisis ahead.

Discussed in this interview:

05:22 State of the global economy
07:47 The Big Reset is here
11:46 Financial system going through cold turkey as real economy slows
14:38 Deflation, stagflation or hyperinflation?
21:27 What’s happening with gold and silver?
33:06 Recent sneak peak of hyperinflation
38:33 How shutdowns impact gold and silver mining stocks
41:10 Silver-backed Lode token

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