#1316 – Frank Luntz: Undecided Voters Watching VP Debate Found Kamala Harris ‘Abrasive And Condescending’ (VIDEO)

Analyst and pollster Frank Luntz appeared on FOX News on Wednesday night to talk about the VP debate. He had a group of undecided voters watch the debate so he could record their reactions.

They were not impressed with Kamala Harris.

Luntz said Vice President Pence won the night.

Breitbart reports:

Nolte: Frank Luntz Focus Group ‘Overwhelmingly’ Says Mike Pence Won Debate

Pollster Frank Luntz hosted a focus group and found the participants “overwhelmingly ” believe vice president Mike Pence won Wednesday night’s debate.

After the debate was over, he asked for a show of hands as far as who won, and told everyone they had to choose one way or the others. No one was allowed to abstain.

Democrat vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris only received two votes out of the 15 undecided voters present. The rest went for Pence.

“It’s overwhelmingly Mike Pence ,” Luntz said as he counted the hands.

When he asked why, the answers sounded like this:

“Mike Pence was more factual. ”

“I felt he was a lot more composed and I wasn’t a fan of her continual facial expressions.”

“He had command of the issues.”

“Harris didn’t look presidential to me.”

“Harris struggled to put together coherent reasons for different questions.”

See the video below:


Here’s another clip from CNBC:


It’s easy to see why these voters were repelled by Harris.

She smirked and laughed as they were discussing serious issues.


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