#2169 – 27 U.S. Air Force Pilots Resign Over Covid-19 Vaccination Mandate

Twenty-seven active-duty U.S. Air Force pilots have resigned their commissions over the unconstitutionality of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s mandate requiring all Armed Forces members to at once receive a Covid-19 vaccination, Real Raw News has learned.

The exodus began on August 27, with 12 pilots from the 1st Fighter Wing at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia, submitting to their commanding officer letters of resignation only hours after they received a 4:00 a.m. text message instructing them to submit to mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations by 10:00 a.m. that same day. It’s unknown whether the pilots collaborated ahead of resigning, but all 12 resignations were handed in within a 90-minute period.

One officer, a 29-year-old F-22 Raptor pilot, said of the situation, “We undergo routine physicals and must meet rigorous fitness standards to stay on flight duty. I think it’s safe to say all Air Force pilots are in good physical condition. We must be to endure extreme G-force stress on our body. There is no reason we should be at risk of Covid-19 or becoming sick from it. I know I’m not alone in rejecting this potentially dangerous and soundly untested shot.”

Pilots at other airbases apparently joined him in solidarity.

A day later, 15 pilots of the 2nd Bomb Wing in Barksdale, Louisiana tendered letters of resignation after they, too, received orders to get the jab. The orders stated explicitly that any officer refusing a Covid-19 vaccination would lose his flight status and be subject to disciplinary action, including a potential dishonorable discharge from the service.

A pilot with the 2nd Bomb Wing told RRN that he and his fellow pilots marched into their commanding officer’s office and dropped the resignation letters on his desk. He added that airmen and maintenance crews—enlisted persons who cannot simply resign from the service—are also furious about the mandatory vaccination requirement. Several of them, he told RRN, have sent hardship letters asking for early dismissal from the Air Force, mainly because they don’t have faith in a vaccine that has killed thousands of healthy people, military and civilians alike.

“This is only the beginning. A lot more of us will be turning in our wings,” he said.

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