#2331 – The Monkeypox Agenda

Following a story that Monkeypox has arrived in the United States, the criminal Biden regime last week placed an order for millions of doses of a quasi-vaccine that allegedly protects against the virus. Monkeypox, however, has no clinically effective vaccine, and governments in East Africa, where cases occasionally arise, inject family members of confirmed victims with a genetically modified smallpox vaccination.

Four days ahead of the purchase, Deep State dark lord Barack “Hussein” Obama made a clandestine trip to the World Health Organization’s Geneva Headquarters, where he held private discussions with globalist and WHO kingpin Tedros Adhanom, according to military sources who shadowed Obama from his Massachusetts mansion to Boston-Logan International airport. There, Obama and an entourage of 7-10 unknown persons boarded a chartered 777-300 bound for Switzerland.

“We know he touched down in Geneva and we know he arrived at the WHO. I can’t disclose how we know this because it would compromise our ability to gather intelligence. We don’t factually know what Obama and Adhanom talked about, but the White Hats don’t believe it’s a coincidence that his visit predated the Monkeypox vaccine order by a few days at a time when the WHO is once again inciting panic in the population. Obama’s presence there paved the way for Biden’s visit, which is happening right now. It’s our belief that since their Covid scheme failed, they’re in the middle of manufacturing another fake pandemic,” our source said.

Moreover, the military believes Biden is ceding U.S. sovereignty in matters involving pandemic authority to the WHO, a move that would theoretically allow it to dictate pandemic restrictions like lock-downs and mask and vaccination mandates on U.S. soil.

“A few days before leaving for Geneva, Biden sent the WHO extensive amendments without an official statement or a single press conference. The amendments grant the WHO unilateral authority over U.S. health care. Technically, this is an illegal and unenforceable, since Biden himself has no authority. The sheeple of the country would likely abide in the WHO’s decisions, but God-fearing patriots along with the White Hats would not. The Biden cabal and the WHO seem to be of the opinion that pandemics, real or not, can be avoided if the WHO has greater global authority. As Biden now tries to gift the U.S. to the WHO, his boss, Obama, is back home taking trips to the CDC headquarters in Atlanta,” our source said.

A CDC informant privy to talks between Obama and Rochelle Walensky, he added, confirmed the military’s worst suspicions—Obama is still the shot caller.  The despicable duo spoke 12 hours on topics that included how to persuade Americans to happily accept new vaccinations for a new disease. Their turpitude soared to new heights, with Walensky opining that preventing the spread of Monkeypox would necessitate PPE beyond masks and latex gloves. She suggested, absurdly, that family members living in the same household of a Monkeypox victim must self-quarantine for 21 days and wander their own home caparisoned in 4 mil plastic sheeting to avoid Monkey Pox spores.

“The Deep State isn’t forging this obliquely; they’re plodding straight ahead, it seems,” our source said.

In closing, we asked our source why the military tail had not arrested Obama while following his caravan to the airport.

“For one, the numbers weren’t on our side. Two, the people who make arrest decisions are above my pay grade.”


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