#2893 – Sudden Lack of Deep State Chatter About Killing Trump Worries White Hats

A dearth of Deep State chatter discussing the demise of President Donald J. Trump has prompted White Hats to strengthen security for the president, his family, and his properties, only days ahead of the first presidential debate, to be held at CNN’s Atlanta studios and hosted by Deep State mouthpieces Jake Tapper and Dana Bush.

On routine days over the past seven years, U.S. Army Cyber Command and Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command overheard, deciphered, and read dozens of threats, the credible and the implausible, to the president’s life. These foreboding pronouncements often originated in the halls of Congress or the J. Edgar Hoover Building in Washington, D.C., and circulated among their political and military allies. White Hats, an ARCYBER source told Real Raw News, have developed a system to distinguish the plausible threats from delusional Deep State ramblings. For example, In February 2024, the closet alcoholic Kamala Harris randomly telephoned Alexandria Ocasio Cortez at 2:00 a.m. and said giddily, “I think I’m going to kill Donald Trump today. Want to help me?” Harris was profoundly inebriated then, unable to string together two words without slurring her speech and laughing hysterically.

“Harris would like to see Trump dead, but we knew that was just her boozy babble. No one likes that bitch, but if people knew she’s a raging alcoholic, they’d hate her even more. Other threats we take more seriously,” the source said.

RRN has reported on a few foiled attempts to end Trump’s life, made by international assassins, shady go-betweens, and even the United States Secret Service, the entity tasked with safeguarding the president’s life, proving the scope of treachery extends to all alphabet agencies.

Sources claimed that White Hats responded to over 300 assassination innuendos since 2016 and thwarted 19 would-be hits against President Trump or his family, including one particularly nefarious scheme to murder his youngest son, Barron. Other alternative news outlets have placed that figure closer to 60, though RRN could not independently determine the veracity of those claims.

“The only person in the world ever to survive more assassination attempts than President Trump is Vladimir Putin,” our source said. “Chatter of eliminating Trump exponentially increased once it was clear he’d be the Republican nominee and got even louder once he committed to debating the criminal Joseph Biden in hostile territory. In just one day, we investigated 27. Some were veiled threats, others quite blatant. We’re doing the Secret Service’s job since they’re part of the Deep State trying to kill President Trump. Then, last week, all discussions about shooting, poisoning, heart attacking, and drowning Trump suddenly stopped. All conduits went dark.”

“We don’t think it’s because they know we’re listening to them,” the source continued. “And we know they know because they frequently change their coded vocabulary like they once used the word pizza for child trafficking. When that became known, they changed it. Last month, the phrase “guzzling RedBull” was code for killing Trump. When we hear them, we can almost intuit which talk to take seriously and what we can discard. Not hearing anything at all has created a vacuum of silence, and that’s alarming. Their abrupt silence could indicate they’re planning something huge, or nothing at all. And that’s what we told Gen. Smith.”

A source in Gen. Smith’s office confirmed the ARCYBER source’s statement and said General Smith has once again doubled the number of U.S. Special Forces and Delta Force Operators watching over the Trumps and their assets.

“General Smith and President Trump have spoken and are in agreement, though the president doesn’t believe the Deep State will try to kill him before Thursday’s debate. Still, we’ll be watching and waiting.”

In closing, the ARCYBER source said his superiors would closely monitor the debate should the regime send a clone or an assiduously trained body double to replace Biden.

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