#0069 – New Photos Show Bill Clinton With Ghislaine Maxwell & Epstein Rape Accuser Aboard ‘Lolita Express’

Bill Clinton During the October 9 Debate between Hillary and Trump

Jeffrey Epstein is known to have rubbed shoulders with the rich and powerful, so pictures of impeached Democratic President Bill Clinton from aboard the investor’s private jet hardly come as a surprise. It remains unclear though if the ex-president was aware at the time of the horrendous allegations against Epstein.

Bill Clinton was found to have gladly posed aboard convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet commonly dubbed “The Lolita Express”, as it follows from a set of pictures obtained by the New York Post.

The photos include a joint one with alleged procuress Ghislaine Maxwell, in which they’re both grinning at the top of the stairs with the ex-president’s right hand on her shoulder.


Another picture from what appeared to be a 2002 trip to Africa, together with Epstein and a number of A-listers, sports Clinton with his arm thrown round the arm of Chauntae Davies, then 22, who has accused Epstein of raping her when she worked as his personal masseuse.


Now aged 40, Davies hasn’t brought any accusations against Clinton, who she said was “a complete gentleman, charming and sweet” or Kevin Spacey, who was also present on the five-day humanitarian mission.

She stressed the rape happened at a different time, on Jeffrey Epstein’s private island to be exact. However, the former masseuse concluded it stands to reason, that “Epstein was using this private jet and his wealth to get close to rich and powerful people”.

Davies went on to comment to The Sun that the now circulating images raise questions about why “Bill Clinton was using the plane and what perhaps Jeffrey may have been trying to accomplish by having him around”.

Meanwhile, it remains unclear if the VIP persons travelling aboard Epstein’s plane knew of his disturbing activity and emerging allegations.

Epstein died in August while confined in a New York cell awaiting trial on sex-trafficking charges. The billionaire financier, who had earlier been convicted of multiple counts of sex abuse against minors, was ruled to have hanged himself, although the death was deemed as suspicious at the time.

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