#1783 – Rebel Media Obtains Documents Proving Canadian Gov Has Been Training Chinese Troops in ‘Cold Weather Warfare’

Rebel Media has obtained documents proving that the Canadian government has been training China’s People’s Liberation Army in “cold weather warfare” at Canadian military colleges and bases.

Rebel obtained redacted documents in response to a freedom of information request about Canada sending a delegation to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the PLA Navy in 2019. However, the documents were not properly redacted and the words below were clearly legible.

Instead of blacking out the sensitive parts of the 34 pages of documents that the Canadian government intended to keep hidden, they only greyed them out. Their mistake, instead, highlighted important information.

According to the secret documents, the U.S. objected to Canada’s decision to train the People’s Liberation Army, but Justin Trudeau pushed back, claiming it was just the “Trump Administration”, and that the other Five Eyes security nations weren’t perturbed.

Rebel Media reports that the documents reveal that their government was “training Chinese commanders at the Canadian Forces College in Toronto, as well as other military facilities in Kingston. Chinese military participants included 1- and 2-star generals and an entire contingent who would learn Canadian cold weather military tactics.”

Additionally, the documents reveal that Trudeau has been sending Canadian troops to China to participate in propaganda displays.

In a video explaining their bombshell scoop, Rebel Media founder noted that their government opted to train China in warfare even after the hostile nation kidnapped two Canadian citizens, Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor.

Rebel Media has made the documents available to the public in full at TheChinaFiles.com.

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