#0886 – President Trump and HUD Secretary Ben Carson Quietly Eliminate Obama’s Actions Forcing Suburbs to Pay for the Cities

Last night, Stanley Kurtz was interviewed by Mark Levin at FOX News on Life, Liberty and Levin about recent actions taken by President Trump and his brilliant Secretary Ben Carson that help the suburbs.  They did this by eliminating a massive rule similar to Obamacare taken by former President Obama that radically undercut the independence of local suburbs.

FOX New reports:

Stanley Kurtz, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, spoke to Fox News about what he called a “tremendous accomplishment” of the Trump administration, one that the mainstream media apparently failed to notice.

In an interview on “Life Liberty & Levin” that aired Sunday, Kurtz shed light on the “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule,” (AFFH) a law added by former President Barack Obama to the 1968 Fair Housing Act, which the conservative scholar said has aimed to expand federal influence over suburbia.

Kurtz says that the Fair Housing Act from the 1960’s prevents discriminating in housing.  But Obama made major changes to the law to punish the suburbs for taking tax dollars away from cities.  Obama created a massive rule called AFFH which was  much like Obamacare.  The law allowed the federal government to control zoning and other local government decisions in regards to local governments.  It was another massive overreach by the federal government into ruling local communities.

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson also announced this week his administration has elimiated over 22,933 fair housing complaints in just three years.

Ben Carson gets things done.

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