#1116 – Michelle Obama Pops Off About Kyle Rittenhouse, Says ‘Systemic Racism’ Coming From White House

Classless Michelle Obama popped off about 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse on Friday and said ‘systemic racism’ is coming from the White House.

Kyle Rittenhouse was hit with 6 charges after he killed two men and wounded a third in self defense during the Kenosha riots this week.

But because Rittenhouse is a white teen, the Democrat-media complex, without any evidence whatsoever, is condemning him as a white supremacist.

Michelle Obama threw gasoline on the fire on Friday because that is all she knows what to do.

“I’m just devastated by the shootings in Kenosha. First, the seven shots from a police officer’s gun at Jacob Blake’s back as his children looked on,” Michelle Obama said failing to acknowledge Jacob Blake resisted arrest, fought two cops who unsuccessfully deployed a taser and was in possession of a knife when he was shot.

She continued, “Then two nights later, the bullets that killed two protesters, with a young man only 17 years old arrested and charged with homicide.”

Video shows Kyle Rittenhouse was acting in self defense and protected himself from criminals who were trying to murder him.

Michelle Obama wasn’t done stoking racial tensions.

“These past few months, I’ve been thinking a lot about what our kids are seeing every day in this country — the lack of empathy, the division stoked in times of crisis, the age-old ans systemic racism that’s been so prominent this summer. Sometimes they see it on the news. Sometimes they see it from the White House Rose Garden. And sometimes they see it from the back seat of a car,” she said.


There is a total media blackout on black on white violence and black on white murder.

Last week, a black man fired shots into a crowd of white Trump supporters gathered on an overpass in South Carolina waving flags.

A black man fatally shot a white college student and her stepfather over a fender bender in Georgetown, South Carolina this week.

A black Georgia man this week stabbed a man because he said ‘he felt the need to find a white male to kill.’

A black man in Colorado this week was arrested for a hate crime and attempted murder after stabbing a white stranger while shouting “Black Lives Matter.”


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